
Acharei Mos 16:08 – The Azazel (5782/ 2022) Achei Temimim

16-08 The Azazel (5782/ 2022) Achei Temimim. This class reviews the basic ideas of Azazel and then adds the Chassidus, based on Ma’amar שבת שבתון התרס”ב (which was issued for the first time for this Pesach).Explaining that the pacification of Klipa is deal with the inexactitude in Kedusha, allowing it to achieve עונג העצמי.

Acharei Mos 18:24 ff – Three contingent ideas: 1) Tumah 2) Toaiva 3) the land throws you out (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5781/ 2021)

18-24 ff. Three contingent ideas: 1) Tumah, 2) Toaiva, 3) the land throws you out.This class (based heavily on the RaMbaN) explains the relationship between holiness and refinement and the Land of Yisroel.The topic of this class is the Land of Israel’s inability to Tolerate ImpuritySpecial intro on Rabbi Paltiel’s grandfather’s yahrzeit (?)Length: 36:14 There…

Acharei- Kedoshim 18:03; 20:02 – Negative Side (protection) of holiness and purity; the repetition of ideas for אזהרה ועונשים (Yeshiva 5780)

(Yeshiva 5780)18-03. Acharei- Kedoshim (20-02), negative side (protection) of holiness and purity; the repetition of ideas for אזהרה ועונשיםJews have more expected of them.We don’t behave so as not to be punished, but to be holy, thus the punishments are separate from the prohibitions.

Acharei Mos 16:08 – The Azazel (5773/2013)

Azazel, what does it mean and represent, especially on Yom Kippur? 1) Rashi, 2) Rashbam, 3) Chizkuni- a bribe to the left side, 4) Zohar, to distract the gevuros so that they don’t inspire judgement from ‘on high’, 5) Tziyuni, to ‘feed’ all the king’s servants even the bad ones, (so that all are included…

Acharei-Kedoshim 17:07 – Seiirim – Shedim. Form of lowly avoda zara (5770/ 2010)

17-07. Acharei-Kedoshim – 2010 Seiirim – shidim. Form of lowly avoda zara Offering to other gods is called “offering to Seiirim” (the demons). What does this mean?Sources: Gemara, Rambam, E. Ezra, Ramban, Alshich, Chasam Sofer, Zohar

Acharei Mos 18:05 – Vechai Bahem (Live by the Mitzvot)(2009)

”Ve-Chai bahem” – Live by the mitzvot – do not die by them. Gemara (halacha), Rashag, Rashi, Eben Ezra, Ramban, R. Bechayey, Alshich, Ohr Hatorah