
Kedoshim 19:16. Lashon HaRa (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)

Kedoshim 19-16. Lashon HaRa (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).This class deals with Rechilus and Lashon HaRa.There are many sources cited:1) Toras Kohanim In judgement: don’t be hard to one and soft to another; after the verdict don’t disclose that you were more lenient. 2) Gemara Pesachim Don’t testify as a single witness. That accomplishes nothing…

Kedoshim 19:14 – A Farbrengen: Viyaraisa MaiElokecha (He knows the secrets) (Yeshiva 5780/ 2020)

Kedoshim 19-14. A Farbrengen, Parshas Kedoshim: Viyaraisa MaiElokecha (He knows the secrets).This form is unique to this Parsha.One can only be properly careful about דברים המסורים ללב if there’s קדושים תהיו which means אתכפיא.

Kedoshim 19:18 – Ahavas Yisroel (5765/2005)

Kedoshim 19-18. Ahavas Yisroel (5765).Insights into loving your fellow as you love yourself.

Kedoshim 19:19 – Kedoshim – Kilayim (Forbidden Mixtures)(2006)

Kedoshim 19-19. [Achrei Mos -] Kedoshim 2006 – Kilayim (Forbidden Mixtures)This class presents a detailed discussion of the negative mitzvah of kilayim (forbidden mixtures of species) that is introduced in this parsha. Sources include Rashi, Rambam, Even Ezra, Ramban, Rabeinu Bechaye, and a maamar from the Rebbe Rashab from 5678.