
21a. Aileh Masei (אלה מסעי) 5713 (Class One).

21a. Aileh Masei 5713 (Class One).This class talks about the idea of ‘Panim’ (face) where there can be no forgetfulness, because when one is on the level of Panim, he is above the possibility if forgetting. He explains that this is Atzilus, that may be changed from the way the Ein Sof light is on…

11. VaYehi Omein Es Hadasa (ויהי אומן את הדסה) 5713.

This Maamar introduces us to the idea of “Panim” and explains this idea in Elokus and the Neshama. This the Rebbe connects to the name Hadasa. The Maamar then argues that the Panim has two levels: 1) the light of Etzem, 2) The Koach (power) of the Etzem which is even higher than the Ohr…

VaYehi Omein Es Hadasa 5713.

This Maamar introduces us to the idea of “Panim” and explains this idea in Elokus and the Neshama. This the Rebbe connects to the name Hadasa. The Maamar then argues that the Panim has two levels: 1) the light of Etzem, 2) The Koach (power) of the Etzem which is even higher than the Ohr…