
Likutei Sichos – Vol 16 p 417 ff – Para Aduma’s Mitzvah is to have it Limishmeres. The lesson: Teshuva (always)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 16 page 417 ff – Para Aduma’s Mitzvah is to have it Limishmeres. The lesson: Teshuva (always)This sicha revolves around three sources:1) Gemara Yerushalmi, Para Aduma is a purification for ALL Jews (טהרה לכל ישראל)2) RaMbaM who quotes the Possuk of והי’ לכם למשמרת that it is a Mitzvah to have…

Sicha – Awaiting Moshiach as seen through the eyes of the Parah Adumah (07)

Likutei Sichos Vol 28 p 131 ff Class 7: Peula nimsheches/ongoing action(-Rogotchover_&_R._Chayim) PARA needs Moshiach!

39. Zos Chukas HaTorah (Chukas Ma’amar) 5738

Zos Chukas HaTorah (Chukas Ma’amar) 5738, Class One.זאת חוקת התורה reflects no change (and not even a thought of change). The three levels of חקיקה (engraved, the Luchos) כתיבה (written, Torah SheBiKsav) and אמירה (Torah SheBa’alPeh).These three exist in Torah, the worlds: 1) עולמות אין סוף and 2) אצילות and 3) בי”ע until עשי’ה.The three…

26. Vayedaber… Zos Chukas 5738 (Parshas Para Ma’amar)

Vayedaber… Zos Chukas 5738Para Aduma is like Teshuva transforming the evil itself to good.מי יתן טמא מטהור The strong connection between Para Aduma and Yom Kippur.It is Ratzoi Vashois Klali on the level of Chakika. Para Aduma is being ready למשמרת to bring someone to Teshuva.

Para Aduma 5739

Para Aduma is the חוקת כל התורה כולה. The ideal way for a yid to live is on the level of oneness with Hashem called חקיקה engraved. The aspects of Para Aduma develop this philosophy further: A) Aish and (living) Water are a Keili. When all else is purged and the essence alone remains you’re…

ויקחו אליך פרה אדומה ה’תשמ”א.

(פרשת פרה) Class One. There is a relationship between פרה אדומה and גלות, as it is done outside all three camps, like Galus. It starts at the exit to גן עדן where the one river diverges into four, and it ends with no water at all: Klipa. But there is the possibility for correction. פרה…

זאת חוקת ה’תשי”א.

This is a Parshas Para Ma’amar. Why is Para Aduma Chu-kas HaTorah? The only one Shlomo can’t decipher and that Hashem must reveal to Moshe. Two levels: Level One: Chuka means the norm, the norm is Ratzoi VaShov, each Mitzvah is either Ratzoi or Shov. Para Aduma is both. Level Two: Chuka means Chakika (carved…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 28 p 131 ff – Para Aduma and a prayer for Moshiach

Para Aduma and a prayer for Moshiach. This Sicha explores the RaMbaM’s prayer for Moshiach in the middle of the laws of Para Aduma and explains that there is a Halacha in this. It is law in Tefilla (hinted and not said outright that the time to pray for Moshiach is always.

06. Zos Chukas (זאת חוקת) – 5711

06. Zos Chukas (זאת חוקת) – 5711Why is Para Aduma Chkas HaTorah? The only one Shlomo can’t decipher and that Hashem must reveal to Moshe. Two levels: Level One: Chuka means the norm, the norm is Ratzoi VaShov, each Mitzvah is either Ratzoi or Shov. Para Aduma is both. Level Two: Chuka means Chakika (carved…

ויקחו אליך פרה אדומה ה’תשמ”א.

(פרשת פרה) Class One. There is a relationship between פרה אדומה and גלות, as it is done outside all three camps, like Galus. It starts at the exit to גן עדן where the one river diverges into four, and it ends with no water at all: Klipa. But there is the possibility for correction. פרה…