זאת חוקת ה’תשי”א.
Why is Para Aduma Chukas HaTorah? The only one Shlomo can’t decipher and that Hashem must reveal to Moshe. Two levels: Level One: Chuka means the norm, the norm is Ratzoi VaShov, each Mitzvah is either Ratzoi or Shov. Para Aduma is both. Level Two: Chuka means Chakika (carved or engraved) which is Sovev. Para…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 28 p 131 ff – Para Aduma and a Prayer for Moshiach
Chukas Para Aduma and a prayer for Moshiach. This Sicha explores the RaMbaM’s prayer for Moshiach in the middle of the laws of Para Aduma and explains that there is a Halacha in this. It is law in Tefilla (hinted and not said outright) that the time to pray for Moshiach is always.
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