
Bo 12:02 – First Mitzva: Kiddush Hachodesh (Yeshiva 5780)

Yeshiva 5780 Kidush Chadashim and Ibbur Shanim.A short version of the first Mitzvah.Our calendar is hidden even from the Torah SheBaal Peh (Gemara) only the RaMbaM recorded it.The nature of our calendar and the reason for its mystery.The combination of the Solar (normal constant) and the Lunar (variable) calendars, we join the constant and the…

Bo 12:06 – Bain HaArbayim

Bo 12-06. Bain HaArbayim.What does ‘between the Erevs (evenings)’ mean?1) Even Ezra- when the sun sets, which is before there’s total darkness; but the Chachomim said from after noon.2) Ralbag- Erev means mix (of light and darkness) and there are two of those: dawn and dusk and the Pesach is Shechted at the midpoint between…

Bo 13:02 – Kadesh Li Kol Bechor: the Mitzvos of the First born (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)

13-02 Kadesh Li Kol Bechor, the Mitzvos of the first born (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).The first Mitzvos “after Mattan Torah: are Parshas Bo, they include 1) The laws of the Torah calendar 2) Mitzvos of Korban Pesach 3) Eating Matza 4) Against having Chometz on Pesach 5) Telling our children the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim at…

Bo 12:41 and 12:51 – Tzivos Hashem (5770)

The Yidden leaving mitzrayim (Egypt) are called Tzivos (army) and Tzivos Hashem (Hashem’s army). What does all this mean?

Bo 12:11 – Vekacha… (5769).

The Pesach was eaten in haste as if already on a journey.

Bo 10:21 – Choshech (5773/2013)

Choshech, what was the plague of darkness and what does “Viyamesh” mean? There were two basic aspects to this darkness based on the Chazal that says the darkness came from 1) The heavens, 2) Gehinom. These two ideas are developed and explained in different ways by many Miforshim Rasag, rashi, Even Ezra, Sporno, Rabeinu Bechayey,…

Bo – Beginners Class – Leaving Mitzrayim (1999)

Parshas Bo in the Mayaan Chai Series. Note: The questions in this class could not be amplified due to distortion in the recording and the low volume of the questions. However, the content of the questions is clear from the answers.

Bo 10:01 – First Possuk – Come With Me to Pharoah (5667/2007)

This class discusses the meaning of the word Bo in the continuing series on the first pasuk in the parsha. Sources include: Rashi, Even Ezra, Sporno, Tur, R. Chaim Vital, and Sichos.