Tazriah – Tumah And Tevilah (Impurity And Immersion)(2006)
A brief overview of different types of tumah (impurity) and purification methods, highlights the importance of tevilah in a kosher mikveh (immersion in a body of water that meets certain halachic requirements). This is followed by an outline of the philosophy of tumah (impurity) and tahara (purity). The remainder of the class is dedicated to…
Tazria – (5780 Farbrengen) the Metzorah cares little what people see; but Hashem cares
Tazria (5780, Farbrengen) the Metzorah cares little what people see, but Hashem caresThe lesson of Metzorah, what is on the outside doesn’t matter as much as what is on the inside, but it does matter.
Tazria-Metzora (5780)
Tazria-Metzora (5780)Sefer Vayikra is about holiness from the top down: Kedusha (Korbanos) then Tahara (laws of Kashrus and all Tumos) then Zeraim [Tzedaka in Eretz Yisroel] (Terumos Maasros etc).The 6 orders of Mishna are different levels of “down-to-earth”.The most down to earth is Nezikim, then Nashim, then Moed, then Zeraim, then Taharos and highest is…
Tazria 13:12 – Poroach Tifrach…(5770)
Tazria 13-12. Poroach Tifrach… (5770).When the whole body is covered with Tzara’as it isn’t a sign of Tumaa. Why?
Tazria 13:02 – Tzaraas (5765)
Tazria 13-02. Tzaraas. (5765).What was Tzaraas (leprosy) that was a severe Tumaa in Torah? Was it natural or supernatural? what does it mean? And how do we relate (and learn something from) it
Tazria 12:03 – UvaYom HaShmini Yimol… (5765)
Tazria 12-03. UvaYom HaShmini Yimol… (5765).The Mitzva of Bris Mila (circumcision) can’t (according to the Rambam) be learned from Avrohom, as he lived before Mattan Torah (the Giving of the Torah). we learn it instead from a few words in this Parsha.
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