Korach 18:08 – The 24 Gifts to the Kohanim (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
Korach 18, 08. The 24 gifts to the Kohanim, (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).These gifts were given to the Kohanim from Hashem (as opposed to what the Leviim received from us). The cheshbon of the 24 gifts (RaMbaM). They correct (what allowed for) Korach’s sin.The idea of serving Hashem (end of Hil. Shmitta) two points:A. serviceB. Belonging…
Biha’alosecha 08:05~22 – The “Leviification of the Leviim” (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
Biha’alosecha 08-05-22 the “Leviification of the Leviim” (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).The “making of the Leviim happened only once in the history of Torah and Leviim.The story doesn’t get the attention it should get.What was the ceremony? The Chizkuni. 1) Shaving all hair, 2) Para Aduma ash, 3) Mikva 4) Moshe stood them, 5) Yidden leaned on…
BeHar 25:05 – Sfichim (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
25-05. Sfichim (what grows by itself).The self growing foliage may be treated more strictly than that on plants (in the sixth year) outright.The concept mystically, there are no new Neshamos (in Galus), but all the Neshamos of Galus are Gilgulim… what was planted long ago but grown now.The idea of seeds germinating and surfacing long…
Emor 24:10 until the end of the Parsha – Mikalel and Aftermath (Yeshiva Achei 5781/2021)
Emor 24-10 until the end of the Parsha, Mikalel and aftermath (Yeshiva Achei 5781 (2021)).Mikalel is followed up by a brief review of the Halachos Of Adam and Mamon HaMazik from Mishpatim; the question is why?A radical idea is proposed: there are five Chumashim, each with with a different basic message. [1. Tzadikim Mesiras Nefesh,…
Acharei Mos 18:24 ff – Three contingent ideas: 1) Tumah 2) Toaiva 3) the land throws you out (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5781/ 2021)
18-24 ff. Three contingent ideas: 1) Tumah, 2) Toaiva, 3) the land throws you out.This class (based heavily on the RaMbaN) explains the relationship between holiness and refinement and the Land of Yisroel.The topic of this class is the Land of Israel’s inability to Tolerate ImpuritySpecial intro on Rabbi Paltiel’s grandfather’s yahrzeit (?)Length: 36:14 There…
Vayikra 01:03 – The Korban Olah (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
01-03 The Korban Olah (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).This class talks specifically about the Korban Olah.1) Nedava, 2) Gift after sin offering, 3) Kapara for Asei and Lav Hanitak LiAseiThree levels in what this Korban is (or could be).Why it is from a male exclusively, above the division between genders (so why male?).The idea of the lower…
Beshalach 16:04 -The Manna (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
16-04. The Manna (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).A class on the Manna.We started with the basic ideas:1) No Birurim2) Quality not quantity (עשירית האיפא)3) All tastes, no substance4) The Torah was given (created) by the eaters of the Manna.We then learned some of the Gemara (Yoma 74b ff) regarding the Manna, we didn’t finish and it is…
Bo 13:02 – Kadesh Li Kol Bechor: the Mitzvos of the First born (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
13-02 Kadesh Li Kol Bechor, the Mitzvos of the first born (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).The first Mitzvos “after Mattan Torah: are Parshas Bo, they include 1) The laws of the Torah calendar 2) Mitzvos of Korban Pesach 3) Eating Matza 4) Against having Chometz on Pesach 5) Telling our children the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim at…
Vaera 07:01 – Moshe is “Elokim” to Pharoah and Aharon is his “Navi” (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
07-01. Moshe is “Elokim” to Pharoah and Aharon is his “Navi” (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021).1) Moshe is first a כבד פה ועבד לשון later he is an ערל שפתים and finally he is הן אני ערל שפתים (his impediment is notorious) and still he’s the one to take us from Mitzrayim.2) Last week (Shmos) Hashem shows…
VaYechi 49:33 – Yaakov never passed away (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021)
49-33 Yaakov never passed away (Yeshiva 5721/ 2021).This class touches on various points in Vayechi, such as…1) Chazak2) The Brachos and Ruach HaKodesh3) The kindness of Yosef towards his brothers, being one of themBut most of the class is on the idea that יעקב אבינו לא מת.We explored it on various levels, including how the…
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