Eikev 07:12 – A Real and Reliable Reward (5767/2007)
Eikev 07-12. (5767/ 2007) – A Real and Reliable RewardThe Eikev installment of the advanced First Pasuk in the Parsha Series. Sources include: Rashi, E. Ezra, Ramban, Sforno, the Tur, Yalkut, Alshich, Etz Hada’as Tov, Ralbag, a Ma’amar and Sichos (references coming).
Re’ei 11:26 – Blessings and Curses (First Possuk Series)(2007)
Re’ei 11-26 2007 – Blessings and Curses (First Possuk Series)In depth analysis of the blessings and curses in Parshas Re’ei in this installment of the First Possuk in the Parsha Series. Sources include: Yalkut, E. Ezra, RaMbaN, Sforno, R. Bechaye, Alshich, Etz HaDa’as Tov, Ma’amar.
Miketz 41:01 – Dreams (2005)
This class goes into detail regarding the difference between dreams of no substance and those with prophetic content. Sources include Rambam, R. Bachaye, sichos and more.
Bo 10:01 – First Possuk – Come With Me to Pharoah (5667/2007)
This class discusses the meaning of the word Bo in the continuing series on the first pasuk in the parsha. Sources include: Rashi, Even Ezra, Sporno, Tur, R. Chaim Vital, and Sichos.
Yisro – Matan Torah From The Inside (2005)
This class on Parshas Yisro discusses the meaning of Mattan Torah and the difference between the experience of Mattan Torah that we have at Parshas Yisro versus on Shavuos.
Kedoshim 19:19 – Kedoshim – Kilayim (Forbidden Mixtures)(2006)
Kedoshim 19-19. [Achrei Mos -] Kedoshim 2006 – Kilayim (Forbidden Mixtures)This class presents a detailed discussion of the negative mitzvah of kilayim (forbidden mixtures of species) that is introduced in this parsha. Sources include Rashi, Rambam, Even Ezra, Ramban, Rabeinu Bechaye, and a maamar from the Rebbe Rashab from 5678.
Emor 22:32 – Chilul Hashem and Kiddush Hashem
Emor- Chilul Hashem and Kiddush Hashem, 5766.V’lo sichalelu venikdashti- pasukim lamed aleph through gimmel Sources: E. Ezra, Sforno, Ramban, Gemara, Zohar, Shach, Ch. Sofer, Gemara, Rambam, S. Hamitzvos, R. Bechayey, D. Mitzvosecha.This class is too long so it’s been divided, the first part is (short) everything until the RaMabaM, the second (larger) part is the…
Shlach 15:38 – Beginner’s Class – Tzitzis (1999)
A Beginners classA great shiur on Tzitzis including history and more
Pinchas 27:15 – Vayedaber Moshe El Hashem… A Successor for Moshe Rabbeinu (5767/2007)
Pinchas 27-15. Vayedaber Moshe El Hashem… (5767). 2007 – A Successor for Moshe RabbeinuThis class on Parshas Pinchas addresses the question of the succession from Moshe Rabbenu to Yehoshua ben Nun. Rabbi Paltiel draws on the following sources: Midrash, Rashi, Sforno, Ralbag, Shelah, and a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The class is taught at…
Matos 30:02 – First Possuk – Halachos of Nedarim (2007)
This installment in the First Pasuk Series examines the question of why the halachos of nedarim (laws of vows) are presented so late in the Chumash. Sources include Rashi, Eben Ezra, Ramban, Rashbam, Tur, Abarbanel, Alshich, and a 4 excerpts from the Parshas Masei sections of the Hemshech Te’Rav.
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