Lo Yichra Vlo Yishtachave- Mordechai didn’t bow
Lo Yichra Vlo Yishtachave The lesson of Purim: Jews are different and they must be proud to be different. (1) Example from the failure of the reform (2) Example from the failing Nationalistic (Zionist) idea.
Megila Nikraas 5739
1) Most Mitzvos aren’t person specific (לא נתת דבריך לשיעורים) except Tzedaka and Torah and… Purim! it has different days for different people, as few as two days and as many as five days, why? 2) The answer: the Megilla is calling שמותיו של הקב”ה like קריאת התורה which calls to Hashem כאדם הקורא לחבירו…
Layahdum Haysa 5739
The story of Purim is about יהודים displaying complete הודאה and מסירת נפש. This caused that at the end of the story: ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר. The achievement of being יהודים gave them a new תורה, שמחה, מילה, and תפילין. Each later idea is higher than the idea before.
18. בלילה ההוא ה’תש”מ.
This מאמר explains the inner dimension of the miracle of Purim “The King (of all King)’s sleep is interrupted” He is still sleeping נדדה but it’s disturbed. The נמשל is that through מסירת נפש the Miracles come directly from עצמות. The idea of ספר הזכרונות and דברי הימים. שינה בנפש האם; בעבודת האדם ולמעלה.
11. VaYehi Omein Es Hadasa (ויהי אומן את הדסה) 5713.
This Maamar introduces us to the idea of “Panim” and explains this idea in Elokus and the Neshama. This the Rebbe connects to the name Hadasa. The Maamar then argues that the Panim has two levels: 1) the light of Etzem, 2) The Koach (power) of the Etzem which is even higher than the Ohr…
Balaila Hahu 5746.
This is the classic Purim maamar. The Yidden were in Golus that is compared to sleep. Yidden’s Mesiras Nefesh “roused” Hashem (kvayachol) from His sleep. The reason the waking up is the miracle [and not the Yidden’s mesiras nefesh which aroused it] is because it’s a miracle within nature. Hashem was still “sleeping” in Golus…
Kiymu ViKiblu Hayehudim 5745.
Purim is higher than Mattan Torah which is (in turn) higher than what the Avos did. The Avos were a Merkava but were able to bring Godliness only to Ruchniyus, At Mattan Torah the possibility to connect Gashmiyus was added and at the Purim story the connection to Gashmiuys was entirely from below.
Balaila Hahu 5744.
Class One. Sleep is an analogy for Galus. Everything is functioning but there is confusion, no limit, order, division. In this Ma’amar the Rebbe explains (the Frierdike Rebbe’s Ma’amar from 5700), in this way: When there is Shina (sleep) the kochos go back into the Etzem where they are on a higher level. It is…
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