
The Hadran Hagadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(28)

Class Twenty Eight. Inside. The world is true (from Matzui rishon) and not real (from Aino Matzui). Page 20-22.

Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (10)

Class Ten. Three levels and in this order: 1)Reason, 2)Ein Sof that can be understood, 3) higher than reason. In footnote 22 he links this to ‘Matzui Rishon’ and ‘Aino matzui’ and holds that if we approach knowing Hashem from lower to higher levels then even higher levels can be understood at least a little…

Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (05)

Class Five. Note 14, the question of how Hashem’s knowledge of the future does not undermine free will and the complicated answer the RaMbaM gives. This is consistent with the (two) level(s) of higher than reason (and reason). Page 251-2. Footnote 14.

Sefer Hasichos – Hadran 5746 (01)

(This class is only on the ‘Yedias Hashem part of this Hadran). Class One. New Hadran, we’re learning only the part connected to the Mitzva of Yedias Hashem. Emuna and knowing are before the Mitzva, then comes the Mitzva which is to understand more deeply. Page 251

Shmues # 14 Chitas and Rambam a Pitch to learn them

Chitas and Rambam a Pitch to learn themSome history

Short class on the Rambam

In honor of Chof Teves

Likutei Sichos – Vol 13 p 085 ff – RaShI and RaMbaM on Bilaam’s Prophecy

RaShI and the RaMbaM on the Pesukim Balak 24, 17-19 1) Rashi holds that these Pesukim were Bilam’s way of informing Balak that he had no reason to fear from the Jewish people because it would a long time before they would conquer Moav. RaMbaM holds that this was Bilam’s way of informing Balak the…

Moshiach Sichos (01) – Para Aduma and a Prayer for Moshiach (Likutei Sichos – Vol 28 p 131 ff)

Likutei Sichos vol. 28 page 131 ff. Para Aduma and a prayer for Moshiach. This Sicha explores the RaMbaM’s prayer for Moshiach in the middle of the laws of Para Aduma, and explains that there is a Halacha in this. It is law in Tefilla (hinted and not said outright) that the time to pray…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 28 p 131 ff – Para Aduma and a Prayer for Moshiach

Chukas Para Aduma and a prayer for Moshiach. This Sicha explores the RaMbaM’s prayer for Moshiach in the middle of the laws of Para Aduma and explains that there is a Halacha in this. It is law in Tefilla (hinted and not said outright) that the time to pray for Moshiach is always.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 013 ff – RambaM: go from Reason to beyond Reason to Faith

Noach Patriarchs (01) Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 13 ff The Rebbe explains that the RaMbaM considers it important to underscore the idea that Avrohom’s pursuit of God started out initially as a strictly intellectual one. However, he then explains that intellect in and of itself it is not sustainable, as is evidenced from…