The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(19)
Class Nineteen. Footnote 37 (1). Why the world’s disappearing would not reverse His being a Matzui Rishon.
The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(18)
Class Eighteen. Now the Rebbe explains: 1) the ‘Hu Aino matzui’ of Halacha 2. He proves from the words that this is not a proposal that there is no God (God forbid) but that He exists non-existentially. 2) Accordingly, he explains the words “Yaale Al HaDaas’, to a higher level of understanding, but it is…
The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(14)
Class Fourteen. Review and clarification of last class (after Pesach break). Page 14.
The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(13)
Class Thirteen. The duality as it applies to the Mitzvah of knowing God- that you could think (intellectually) that He is not! Introduction to next dimension in the Sicha: Two sides in God(liness) Him(it)self. Page 14.
The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(12)
Class Twelve. The duality itself is dual: In each positive commandment there is the negative aspect; and in each negative commandment there is a positive aspect. Page 13.
The Hadran HaGadol al HaRaMbaM (5735)(11)
Class Eleven. More on the theme of the Hadran: The need for two poles for Torah to be in this world. Page 12.
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