
RaMbaM and Chassidus (5776/ 2016).

The question of philosophy and Kabbalah (as it relates to RaMBaM) was resolved over the years. In Kabbalah but especially in Chassidus the unity between RaMBaM and Chassidus becomes wholesome. In our generation the Rebbe has formed an absolute synthesis between the two systems making them absolutely one.

The Rambam- The More’ Hanivuchim for all generations. (5775/2015).

A talk on how ‘regular’ and available the RaMbaM was, but above all else, his dedication to others.

The Rambam’s humility. (5768).

A two part class on the Rambam’s humility and wisdom based on how he dealt with his critics. Part One. Part Two.

20 Teves 5745. (5768 short).

A surprise farbrengen.

The Rambam’s Sfarim (5778/ 2018).

1) Pirush HaMishna. 2) Sefer HaMitzvos. 3) Mishna Torah. 4) Iggeres Taiman. 5) Iggeres HaShmad. 6) Iggeres Techiyas HaMaisim. 7) More’ Nevuchim.

The Rambam.

Why have the Jewish people survived in exile? One reason is the existence of great Jewish leaders where and when they are needed. The Rambam in his time was a great gift from Hashem. This class discusses the Rambam’s life and related points.

Siyum HaRambam.

SIYUM HARAMBAM (5772/2012).The 30th siyum HaRambam, introduction, end then beginning of the Rambam. This particular Siyum Harambam occured on Chof (20) Av Siyum HaRaMbaM 17 Tamuz 5780A few minutes on the 4 fasts, including שבעה עשר בתמוזSiyum HaRaMbaM: The RaMbaM starts and ends with Knowing G-d, but they are very different.The next cycle begins higher…

The Rambam’s view on Chanuka.

The Rambam contends that on Chanuka we celebrate both the miracle of finding the oil as well as the war. He therefore holds that Chanuka (like Purim) requires a feast. A Note from Y.D.: Your shiur on the Rambam’s view on Chanuka–You mentioned that you don’t know where the Rambam gets the idea of the…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 013 ff

All in one class. Likutei Sichos vol. 20 page 13 ff. The Rebbe explains that the RaMbaM considers it important to underscore the idea that Avrohom’s pursuit of God started out initially as a strictly intellectual one. However, he then explains that intellect in and of itself it is not sustainable, as is evidenced from…