
28. Shir HaMa’alos Huinei Ma Tov UMa Nuim… 5722 (Muga)

This Ma’amar is Muga. The Biur in this Ma’amar discusses the three juxtapositions of 1) Bracha and Tefilla, 2) Torah and Tefilla, 3) Torah of RaShBI and Tefilla. In this third level, all separations are broken and this Torah reaches the Ein Sof, creates Keilim and is an assured effect. The Ma’amar itself juxtaposed the…

Sicha – Lag B’Omer (07)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 22 p 138 ff Connecting This to 18 Iyar and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochaii. 141-2.

Toras Menachem – Lag B’Omer 5715 (01)

Lag BaOmer,upsheren. Page 67. Lag Baomer, Miron Chasnei RaShbI.

Toras Menachem – Lag BaOmer 5713 (06) – Class Six.

The power to disagree in (Nigla of) Torah and yet get along comes from RaShBI and Pnimiyus HaTorah. Page 156-8.

Class Five.

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and the Zohar.