
להבין ענין פרשת הנסכים ה’תשמ”א.

This מאמר explains the idea of רצוא ושוב as it relates to קרבנות (only) once Yidden go into and settle ארץ ישראל. קרבנות are רצוא and מנחה ונסכים are שוב. In עבודת האדם they are both in Davening: קריאת שמע וכו’ ואח”כ שמונה עשרה, are רצוא ושוב. In life they are: 1) Being in Shul…

08. Parshas HaTamid, Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus Wednesday 8 Adar 1 5776/ February 17 2016. Class Eight.

08. פרשת התמיד Class Eight. We learned the fifth Possuk of this paragraph and touched on the sixth Possuk. We started with a long introduction about: 1) Ratzo Vashov, using Korach and Tzitzis as the model 2) We quoted the Maamar Chazal that says that Krias Shma without tefillin is like a Korban without a…

Zos Chukas HaTorah 5746. (5772/2012).

The classic discussion of Para Aduma is enhanced in this Maamar. Para Aduma is “Chukas HaTorah” because it involves both Ratzu viShov. [On a level of Chakika]. This Maamar adds the issue (found in the Maamar of Para from 5700) that it touches on Yidden’s free will, to err and correct and “burn” the Para…

זאת חוקת ה’תשמ”ב. this is a Parshas Para Ma’amar.

Parshas Para is called “חקת התורה” because: 1) It has רצוא ושוב in it, 2) It has the idea of the מדות which motivate our life as Jews, 3) It comes from the שרש ומקור התורה the idea of carved (rather than written) letters אותיות החקיקה. This provides the strength to go to the lowest…

Sicha – Lag B’Omer (06)

Ratzoi ViShov and it’s incredible peace. Page 140.