
The Rebbe’s early years. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5773). Class 04

Class Four. 5766-9. 1) The meeting in Kurustien, 2) The Frierdike Rebbe in jail and deciding to leave Russia, 3) Leaving Russia, the final goodbye in Yekatrinislav; 4) The Frierdike Rebbe moves to Riga and the Rebbe goes to Berlin; 5) the preparations for the wedding.

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 08

Class Eight. Supplement, The entire nusach of the four Kol Korai. 17) The four declarations, קול קורא. The idea that Jews are like everyone else will bring us to suffer with all the world needlessly, but we must believe that we are different, and we do this through Teshuva. The birth-pangs of Moshiach can be…

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 09

Class Nine. 18) Citizenship. The Rebbe organized it, a private but meaningful event. Pictures and video. 19) The first Ma’amar Basi Ligani, the seventh generation, our task, setting about doing the unthinkable, he is not finished and he will see it through. 20) Since 5715 nothing stands in the way of Moshiach…

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 07

Class Seven. 15) ספר תורה לקבלת פני משיח. The effort, the writing, the closeting, and the finishing in 5730. near 10 Shvat. 16) Some on the newspaper הקריאה והקדושה.

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 06

Class Six. 14) Relocating to America. The Rebbe didn’t want to go, God Almighty brought him here, and he saw his being here as an “השגחה העליונה שליחות”. His first day in America, the warning of his good friends and his response. The gradual but miraculous change of America. The gradual melting of the ice.

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 05

Class Five. 11) All of the Rabbeiim’s travels are part of a master plan, though they don’t move until forced. No Jew chooses exile, but when it is forced on the Tzadik, the Nassi, it is not nature taking its course, but the Divine Hand leading him. 12) Polishing the buttons 5689, 1928. 13) America…

Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 04

Class Four. 9) The Rebbe RaShaB’s קץ for the year תרס”ו (it is 1905-6), based on the calculation that it is סוף זמן תפילה of Friday morning of the sixth millennium. 10) World War 1. This class explores the ‘behind the scenes’ of the Rabbeiim, and how these things play out in spiritual terms. He…

The Rebbe’s early years. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5773). Class 03

Class Three. 1) The Rebbe’s father and Rebbe, 2) Meeting the Rebbetzin, 3) Visiting the Frierdiker Rebbe in Rostov and Leningrad, 4) His involvement in the underground work.

Stories about The Rebbe – Class 2

14 Kislev story (5772/2011), before, during and after.

The Rebbe’s early years. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5773). Class 02

Class Two. Stories about the Rebbe’s early years. His intellectual genius in Torah and all other areas of knowledge. The immigrants in World War 1; The Typhus epidemic. Did not know the Rebbe RAShaB.