
20 Menachem Av 75 years (5704- 5779 (1944- 2019)

Reb Laivik 1) The Rabbanus 2) The hardships 3) The Mesiras Nefesh 4) The arrest and exile 5) His last months 6) Rebbetzin Chana after his passing, in Moscow, Peking, France, America

20 Menachem av 5772/2012

stories and thoughts.

Ani Levi Yitzchok ben Zelda (5766).

The Rebbe’s father’s kabbalistic insight into his own life, destiny and arrest with the Rebbe’s commentary on it.

Reb Leivik (5770).

Reb Leivik (5770).A brief overview of him and his life. Reb Leivik (5770).