18a. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5712 – Class 1
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5712, Class One. This Ma’amar is based on the Ma’amar צאנה וראנה עזר”תThis class is the beginning of the Ma’amar:1) The prefacing נעשה to נשמע enhances both.2) The “third crown” that is for the הקדמת נעשה לנשמע He keeps for Himself. 3) The 3 crowns against תורה ועבודה וגמילות חסדים.4) The condition for…
14a. Ki Yemei Tzeitzcha (כימי צאתך ה’תשי”ב) – 5712 (Muga) – Class 1
Class One. The difference between יחודא עילעא and ביטול דקבלת עול .יהודה עילעא raises and transforms, as miracles higher than nature do. ביטול דקבלת עול doesn’t raise, it Bittuls and as such the Bittul is total. This is connected to miracles limited to nature.
22a. ViHikrisem Luchem Arim (וידבר גו’ והקריתם) 5712 – Class 1
Class One. This is the first class on this Maamar.We explore the question of what (really) is the difference between K’dusha and K’lipa, if both come from Hashem and both would not exist without Him what really is the difference? We are introduced to the idea of ‘Chai BiKiyum Atzmi’.
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