Achdus 102
The two Hiskalelus are read inside The sugia of Beis HaMikdash is completed: it is the two opposites of Tohu and Tikkun brought together (through Avoda) by a force higher than both. This is why the Beis HaMikdash always has the number 3 in its detail.
Achdus 101
This is the first of two classes on the idea of עושה שלום במרומיו and how they are different by מלאכים (that are polar creations) and נשמות (that are balanced creations). This is found in Tanya in אגרת הקודש letters 12-13 Hiskalelus from the top vs. Hiskalelus from the bottom It seems that the Rebbe…
Achdus 100
Lecture on Hiskalelus- Kabbalah in one word: Elokus. Kabbalah in two words: Meod (simple infinite,) and Adam (complex and ordered infinity). The second idea is infinite, not in its enormity, but in its order. Two levels of Hiskalelus: A. In Tikun itself, like Tiferes which unifies Chesed and Gevura. B. In the joining of Tohu…
Achdus 098
This class is part 2 to the explanation for Atzmus in the Beis Hamikdash: 1) There are two parallel sets of ten: Dibros (Torah) and Maamaros (Creation) 2) They were once one and then diverged- כשתגיעו לאבני שיש טהור אל תאמרו מים מים 3) This divergence caused the high to become higher and low to…
Achdus 097
The answer to the question of Hashem living in (a house,) the Beis Hamikdash (Class 1) Perek 12. A) The presence of Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash, happens through נמנע הנמנעות. B) It is understood from the idea of (מקום הארון אינה מן המדה). This happens through בירורים, which is the Rebbe RaShaB’s formula for…
073 Samech Vov (First Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 01
This class is also called: 100 Samech Vav (Complete Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 01 and is also found in the Complete Version series.
074 Samech Vov (First Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 02
Samech Vav – A74This class is also called 101 Samech Vav (Complete Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 01 and is found also in the Complete Version series. The discussion of “Ain koach choser poel l’maala begins. Creation from nothingness (yesh meayin) and creation from something (yesh miyesh) are discussed.
075 Samech Vov (First Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 03
This class is also called 102 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 03 and is found also in the Complete Version series. The discussion of “Ain koach choser poel” continues. The class then moves on to the subject of the bittul (self-nullification) of malachim (angels) to their Source. Malchus (Kingship) is also…
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