Class 01
Introduction to year ACHDUS HASHEM (AHAVAS YISROEL) emuna pshuta, pshitus of chakira, Adam Haelyon. Do not be discouraged by the sound quality of this first class. It gets better from here onwards. We have worked on this file with audio processing to make it as clear and easy to listen to as possible.
Bais Nissan, “The Rebbe Nishmaso Eden” (5777).
Can we find in the way the Rebbe commemorated Bais Nissan a lesson in Hiskashrus?
Toras Menachem – 19-20 Marcheshvan (Vayera) 5713 (04) – Class Four.
The lesson from the Tzemach Tzedek’s answer: you must earn that revelation by never being finished in terms of growth. Even at 99 there’s where to grow. Page 156-9.
Toras Menachem – 19-20 Marcheshvan (Vayera) 5713 (03) -Class Three.
The lesson from the young Rebbe RaShaB’s request: even those who are lower than the level of Chinuch can insist and demand a revelation from Hashem on the level of Avrohom after he did the Bris and became a master over those aspects of the body that man normally doesn’t control. Page 154-6.
Toras Menachem – 19-20 Marcheshvan (Vayera) 5713 (02) -Class Two.
Toras Menachem Vol 7 p 153-154. Introduction, the Rebbe RaShaB and the Tzemach Tzedek. The question of the Rebbe RaShaB and the Tzemach Tzedek. Page 153-4.
Toras Menachem – 19-20 Marcheshvan (Vayera) 5713 (01) – Class One.
Toras Menachem Vol 7 p140ff Friday 19 MarCheshvan, a summary of the Maamar ViHu Omeid Aleihen and an incredible lesson, about the Rebbe standing over his Shluchim (Malachim). Page 140-41.
The Biography of the Rebbe RaShaB – Class ? -Histalkus of the Rebbe RaShaB. (5767).
The dramatic story of the Rebbe Rashab’s passing on 2 NISSAN 5680.
Father, Son, Grandson (5777) – (Rebbe Rashab, Rebbe Rayatz, The Rebbe)
Three generations, one chain and such great change. How are these three generations one, though on the outside, there seem to be fundamental differences between them.
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