
The Biography of the Rebbe RaShaB – Class 10; Rebbe Rashab – Chassidic traditions renewed. (5772/2011).

The Biography of the Rebbe RaShaB – Class 10; Rebbe Rashab – Chassidic traditions renewed. (5772/2011).The Rebbe (RaShaB) Nishmoso Eiden’s efforts at spreading old Minhagei chassidim. Based on the introduction to the Kunteres “Umayan” and his tzava’a (will).

The Rebbe Rashab – The RaMbaM of Chassidus (5775/2014).

This class (or Farbrengen) explores the unique contribution of the Rebbe RaShaB to the philosophy of Chassidus ChaBaD. His orderly style and his resolving contradictions and streamlining of the language make his Ma’amarim far more learn-able than the Ma’amarim before him. Two ideas: 1) ‘Tun (working to understand, clarify and correct: which only a Rebbe…

The Biography of the Rebbe RaShaB – Class 8; Rebbe RaShaB – A story of a young Rebbe

Rebbe RaShaB – A story of a young RebbeThis class is based on an episode related by the Frierdike’ Rebbe in a new volume of Igros Kodesh. It relates a meeting between the young Rebbe RaShaB and older Chassidim. It reveals their love for him and their encouragement to him.

Toras Menachem – 18 “Chai” Elul 5711 (01)

Sicha 14 Elul in connection with Wedding anniversaries of Rebbe RaShaB (11 elul), and the Frierdike Rebbe (13 Elul). Short story about Rebbe RaYatz’s and Rebbe RaShaB’s wedding.

Class 00 Vyadata-classes 1 to 18

Classes 1 to 18. The Mem Gimmel Class series includes a full year of study at a relatively advanced level. The classes delve into an important area of the chassidus of Rabbi Shalom Dov Ber Schneersohn (Rashab, the fifth Rebbe of Lubavitch). The first 18 classes in this series cover a discourse from 5657 (1897)…

Samach Tisamach 5657 1 page 1-7

This Hemshech (series) was said in a week! The week the Previous Rebbe got married in Elul 5657 (1897) in Lubavitch.

Class 00 Tiku… 5668

The first Maamar of five of this (unfinished) ‘Hemshech’ Rosh hashana.

Class # 00 Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5643

This ma’amar discusses Chanuka and is also an Achdus Hashem ma’amar based on the pasuk, “Ani Hashem Lo Shanisi” (I Hashem (Havaya) have not changed). Based on different interpretations of the word “Havaya” the meaning of “lo shanisi” also changes. The first half of the discourse is mystical and philosophical and is meant to be…

Class 00 Shir Hamaalos 5668

The second Maamar of five of this (unfinished) ‘Hemshech’ Rosh hashana.

Class 00 Hemshech Rab Brachya 5643

Three discourses given by the Rebbe Rashab on 3 successive Shabbosim during the year (1882-3) covering the topic of the Beis Hamikdash (the Temple). The following questions are explored: 1. Why would G-d prefer our service to Him in the physical world to what transpires in the spiritual worlds? 2. What does it mean that…