Class Seven.
Refutation of the initial answer: it hides so much more than it reveals it can hardly be called Gilui (1). Words: Etzem- In relationship with itself (only). Gilui- to another (and the “other” gets it) Yesh- INDEPENDENT being. Ohr- A light that is about reflecting it’s source. Ha’arah- a light that is about revelation to…
Class 06
Attempted answer: the Tzimtzum allows the two opposites of Havaya and Elokim (Ohr and Keli, Guf and Neshama etc.) to meet altogether.
Class 05
Havaya and Elokim are opposites (2). Havaya- Ohr (light). Elokim- Kelim (vessels). The opposites: Ohr: Giluy, Dvaikus, Pshitus, Bli Gvul. Keli: Helem, Havdala, Hischalkus, Gvul.
Samach Bais (20) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 20
Page 249-250. Merkava and what it means that Neshamos and Malachim carry “Him”. In this Ma’amar it is through Birur: when the Malachim are clarified and return to their source in Tohu, they are able to carry “Him” Adam HaElyon.
Samach Bais (19) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 19
Page 249- 251. The journey of the Neshama down which raises her higher than she was originally ירידה צורך עלי’ה is called “סתר”? Two explanations: A) When the journey begins the עלי’ה is only potential and “hidden” and has it’s work cut out for herself: 1. Elevate the Tohu within the body and animal soul,…
Samach Bais (18) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 18
Page 249. After we discussed יונתי, we explore now: 1) בחגוי הסלע, the גוף is called סלע because it is 1) דומם and 2) Hard like תהו. Hard and inflexible versus flexible and soft. 2) מדריגא refers to the נפש הבהמית which has various different types.
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