Samach Bais (07) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 07
Page 244. An interesting idea (understood בדרך אפשר) about seeing according to Chassidus and Torah: Every single creation has it’s own light; but the light doesn’t reach you (except by sunlight, which is why it is blinding), which is why seeing is not a חוש פנימי that transforms. The other חושים שמיעה ריח etc. are…
Samach Bais (06) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 06
Page 243-4. The down side of חוש הראי’ה. Though it is very impactful it isn’t the Essence itself because it doesn’t change you. The other חושים are actually more פנימיות than seeing.
Samach Bais (05) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 05
Page 242-3. Chushim, including Seeing don’t create a Yichud and have children [that means create change] but they set it up. Seeing affects desire. Seeing affects one’s ability to learn.
Samach Bais (04) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 04
Page 242. 1) חושים don’t create יחוד and change, but they set up and inspire the birth and change that will follow. 2) תענוג is the expression of one’s infinity, but it is not useful in the reality of the limited complex lives we live. But the תענוג must (does) inspire it.
Samach Bais (03) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 03
Page 242. When we look at Hashem He looks back at us. Through חושים one can skip many steps and go straight from מלכות to כתר.
Samach Bais (02) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 02
Page 241-2. Introducing the interface and difference between כחות and חושים. The כחות is long involved, and changing; while חושים have an immediate impact but isn’t so changing in and of itself. יונתי בחגוי הסלע בסתר המדריגות הראיני את מראיך השמיעיני את קולך וגו Like doves staring at one another is very deep but doesn’t…
Samach Bais (01) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 01
Page 241. Questions and answers. Why all the details about where Avrohom is going from and such few details about where he’s going to? Because this is a spiritual journey, and you know where you are coming from but know little of where you will eventually reach. The future is being shown, later Hashem will…
Class 27
Page 293-5. כי קולך ערב. תורה has two opposites together. 1) תורה must be accompanied by תפילה and the רוח modulates it all. 2) תורה has the opposites within itself: The hard work is תפילה; The presence of G-d in the Torah is תורה; and הלכה is רוח that modulates.
Class 26
Page 294. This is רצוי ושוב in one place. The idea that רוח moderates אש and מים creating רצוי ושוב and is thus higher even than אש. In effecting this, it reveals the עצמות of אין סוף, כי לא אדם into השתלשתלות, which is how He who is above seeing and hearing is brought to…
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