
Class 16

Page 171. The question of Osios being Domem or not. Two questions and their answers. 1) Big medium and small letters aren’t an indicator that letters grow and change. 2) What happens on Shabbos and Yom Kippur when Neshamos go from world to world isn’t growth and change but שינוי ממהות למהות.

Class 15

Page 171-3. The greatness of Hashem “In the city of Elokainu”. 1) The greatness of Hashem is known from the world, מה גדלו ומה רבו. On earth it is מה רבו. The great diversity. Osiyos come from Atzmus and come down to a low enough level for us to see them and their quantity. This…

Class 14

Page 171, 173-4. Yesh MeAyin: 1) Something from where? (the source is unknown). 2) Something from a Ha’arah of Havaya (which means that the source of creation is insignificant compared to Atzmus. This is the reason it is called “Ayin”- nothing in comparison with Hashem.

Class 13

Page 171, 181. Gevura is concealing, the Malchus justifies it and makes it positive. Division begins in Malchus and continues in Gevurah.

Class 49

Page 190. End of the actual Ma’amar. How the fact that Malchus reaches the שטח or מרחב of עצמות results in higher understanding of: 1) כח להוות יש מאין ואפס המוחלט שיש במלכות. 2) ההעלאה למלכות לעצומ”ה למעלה מכל עליות שאר הספירות והכחות.

Class 48

Page 190. An explanation for how the שטח of מלכות includes the מרחב העצמות also and not only the מרחב of the שרש ומקור הקו. The world’s purpose.

Class 47

Page 188-9. The Rebbe introduces us to the notion that Malchus connects not only to the source of the שטח in the source of the נקודה and קו, but that there is an expression in Malchus of the שטח העצמי or מרחב העצמי. The issue remains at this point insufficiently explained.

Class 46

Page 189. The משלים of the higher idea of שטח or מרחב: A)The expansiveness of the entire sky. B) The waters of the תהום that have no relativism to the waters on (and around) the surface of the earth. Question: how can we relate to the higher מרחב or שטח, yet our מאמר insists that…

Class 45

Page 188. Introduction to the higher idea in Shetach: The question of what is G-d is answered in [Chakira as the essence of ideas, but in] Kabbalah as Ein Sof. This means that there’s infinite possibilities in Him. In the world a (relatively) tiny fraction of those possibilities are manifest. In the language of Chassidus…

Class 44

Page 187-8. מלכות reaches back to the source of השתלשלות and of נקודה קו שטח. נקודה includes גבול and בלי גבול but the בלי גבול is בהעלם and only the נקודה נעלמית is apparent. קו includes בלי גבול, as well as גבול. The בלי גבול is visible in the חזר והאיר and in the התכללות…