
Farbrengen Beis Nissan 5776 (2016) – Class 01

Part One. Hiskashrus of our Rebbe and Beis Nissan.

Raishis Goyim Amalek 5680. (5667) – Class 02

The Maamar the Rebbe Rashab said prior to his passing. This discourse anticipates the terrible evil to and provides hope. Explaining evil and it’s eventual demise mystically. Class two.

Raishis Goyim Amalek 5680. (5667) – Class 01

Class One. Some history included here as well.

The Biography of the Rebbe RaShaB – Class 5

5. 11 Elul 5776 (another thought on his wedding).

Achdus 142 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 10 Class 3. After the התבוננות there is a very strong want ואהבת which can only be satisfied בדרך שוב through action, as we’ve seen in the past when people seek “personal paths” to G-d they end up with a want that they have no way of satisfying and fulfilling. One needs daily…