The Rebbe Rayatz’ Early Life – Part 1
Stories of the early life of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe (Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn).
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 7
Class Seven. 5708-10. 1) Israel, Zionism and the Rabbeiim, 2) The Immigrants to Eretz Yisroel and keeping them frum (and aware of the dangers of Secular Zionism), 3) North African idea and its great success; which would be undertaken by the Rebbe after the passing of the Frierdike Rebbe.
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 6
Class Six. 5704-7,1) Kovetz Lubavitch, 2) The Lishka LiPlaitim in Paris, 3) Jewish Farmer’s assistance, and more.
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 5
Class Five. 1) (Machanei Yisroael and then ) 2) Merkaz LiInyanei Chinuch, 3) Kehas, Ho’tza’as Otzar HaChasidim, 4) establishing Yeshivos all over the Eastern Sea Board, 5) NiCho’aCh.
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 4
Class Four. 1) America, 2) Tomchei Tmimim, 3) New York and not Lakewood, 4) Machanei Yisroel.
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 3
Class Three. 1) The arrest, 2) liberation, 3) KastramA, 4) coming home, 5) Malachavka, 6) the decision to leave to leave Russia, 7) Tishrei 5688, 8) Riga, 9) Travels, deciding where to live, America, Israel etc., 10) Poland, 11) Utvutzk, 12) the war starts.
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 2
Class Two. 1) His Father passes away and his Nesius begins (in 5680), 2) His father’s Tzava’a, 3) the world changes and he adapts. 4) The incredible undertakings and success of his initial activities, 5) The private enterprise that allows people to keep Shabbos in Russia, 6) Agudas ChaBaD in America, 7) Moving to Leningrad,…
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 1
Class One. The biography of the Frierdike Rebbe until his Nesius. 1) His childhood, 2) Mishnayos Baal Peh, 3) the RaShabaTz, 4) his Arrest, 5) his Father’s Chinuch, 6) His 15th birthday and becoming a public servant, 7) going to meetings, 8) his wedding, 9) Tomchei Tmimim, 10) the Tzoris and how he was involved,…
15 Elul (5780/ 2020) The story of Tomchei Temimim, Class One.
15 Elul (5780/ 2020) The story of Tomchei Temimim, Class One.What was happening in Russia at that time? There was so much Torah, but inside there was much spiritual corrosion due to the philosophies that poisoned the well for many students of Torah.The Rebbe RaShaB’s hesitation and the Frierdike Rebbe’s insistence.The Mashpiim: 1) Reb Hendel,…
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