
Hayom Yom Biography of the (Frierdiker) Rebbe Rayatz Class 4

The brief history of the Rebbe’s life in the introduction to the Hayom Yom. (5773/2013). Class Four. 1) America, 2) Tomchei Tmimim, 3) New York and not Lakewood, 4) Machanei Yisroel.

Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 5

Class Five. 1) (Machanei Yisroael and then ) 2) Merkaz LiInyanei Chinuch, 3) Kehas, Ho’tza’as Otzar HaChasidim, 4) establishing Yeshivos all over the Eastern Sea Board, 5) NiCho’aCh.

Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 4

Class Four. 1) America, 2) Tomchei Tmimim, 3) New York and not Lakewood, 4) Machanei Yisroel.