
Hayom Yom Biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe Rayatz – Class 3

Class Three. 1) The arrest, 2) liberation, 3) KastramA, 4) coming home, 5) Malachavka, 6) the decision to leave to leave Russia, 7) Tishrei 5688, 8) Riga, 9) Travels, deciding where to live, America, Israel etc., 10) Poland, 11) Utvutzk, 12) the war starts.

Likutei Sichos – Yud Shvat (09)

The details (and story) of the Frierdike Rebbe’s diverse types of Mesiras Nefesh: 1) Russia, 2) Poland, 3) America. He adapted to each of these three worlds wholly and successfully because of his Mesiras nefesh. Page 142.