
Likutei Sichos – Yud Shvat (02)

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff The Sicha starts. The Maamar Basi Ligani is the Rebbe RaYatz’s will, and its lessons are found at the beginning (Dira BiTachtonim) and the end (don’t postpone any good thing until later) of the Maamar. Page 139-140.

Likutei Sichos – Yud Shvat (01)

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff Introduction: What is a Rebbe? Like Moshe Rabbeinu- he takes the same Torah and shows where it’s new emphasis lies today and makes it current and alive.

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5716 (14) – Sicha Nine.

Class Fourteen. Page 68-9. Miracles. They’re there if you want them and if you don’t then they won’t be there for you.

Toras Menachem – Simchas Torah 5715 (08) – Sicha Three.

Class Eight. Page 76-7. Reb Zalman Zlatapolsky worked to see his Rebbe after the Histalkus, now the Rebbe (RaYaTz) visits someone for not listening to him and he still doesn’t acquiesce.

Toras Menachem – 13 Tammuz 5712 (02) – Sicha One – Class Two.

Discussion about the concept of Mazal and things being predetermined and unchangeable in Hashem’s world. Page 55.

Toras Menachem – 13 Tammuz 5712 (01) – Sicha One – Class One.

The Mitzva of Tzedaka for Talmud Torah has in it several levels of the advantage of Mitzva of Tzedaka where Hashem says, “Test Me in this…” Page 54-5.

Toras Menachem – 18 “Chai” Elul 5711 (01)

Sicha 14 Elul in connection with Wedding anniversaries of Rebbe RaShaB (11 elul), and the Frierdike Rebbe (13 Elul). Short story about Rebbe RaYatz’s and Rebbe RaShaB’s wedding.

שמח תשמח ה’תשמ”ג.

Levels of higher and higher Simcha justifies bringing Joy to the (already) Joyous.