01. Min Hameitzar 5738
Min Hameitzar 5738, Class 1: This introduction to the ma’amar covers the Rebbe’s array ofquestions, essentially asking, “If life of every Yid going inot Rosh Hashana is so good (as ChaZaL say) how is it possible for a person to cry ‘Min Ha Meitzar’ (from a place of narrowness and being squeezed)?” A person cries…
46. Ze Hayom 5737 (Erev Rosh Hashana 5738)
Ma’amar Ze Hayom 5737 Erev Rosh HaShana (2 classes) Ma’amar Ze Hayom 5737 Erev Rosh HaShana, Class One.Part 1 of this ma’amar addresses the classic question of why more of an issue is made of the creation of man than of creation itself.The answer, of course is that man fulfills the point of creation.The analysis…
46. Vihaya Ki Savo 5738
Maamar Vihaya Ki Savo 5738Self-Transformation Through Torah and Mitzvos(originally the Rebbe taught this ma’amar on Chai Elul on a Wednesday)0:00 – 7:20 Intro thoughts on the founding of Tomchei T’mimim on 17 ElulThis maamar on Parshas Ki Savo – the inner meaning of the following 4 ideas and their order is analyzed.1. Eretz Yisrael is…
39. Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim 5740
Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim 5740.This maamar originally came out as a sicha but was re-issued on 3 Tammuz 2020 as a maamar on the mishnah “Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim l’Yisrael K’Chasmisha Asar B’Av U Ki Yom Ha Kippurim”. The Rebbe presented many maamarim on this mishnah. In this version there is a correspondence drawn between…
45. Hashamayim Kisii 5738
Maamar HaShayim-Kisi-5738“Shamayim” (Heaven) is Hashem’s chair and the “Aretz” (Earth) is Hashem’s footstool. What does this mean? Heaven is like a chair which brings Him down to the worlds.Earth is like a footstool that raises the world up to Him.Spiritually this is Torah (heaven) and Yidden (earth).However each of the two are the (collective) purpose…
44. Vihaya Aikev 5738.
Vihaya Aikev 5738.Summary: This ma’amar is about the importance of “holistic” performance of all mitzvot on every level (thought, speech and deed). “Machshava” (thought) is connected to “seichel” (intellect), “dibbur” (speech) is connected to emotion, “maaseh” (deed) is connected to “asiyah” (action). The role and practical function of each level is explained in the class….
43. Vishinantum Livanecha 5738
Vishinantum Livanecha 5738 Part One.This part of the Ma’amar explores the idea of 15 Menachem , the Aliya is proportionate to the yerida.1) Pesach- Tzadik2) Tishrei- Teshuva but step by step3) 15 Menachem- Teshuva in an instant; at the moment of the Churban itself maximum Gilui. Notes:0:00 – 1:00 Story – The Priest who wore…
42. Luaile Taichulaik HaAretz 5738
Luaile Taichulaik HaAretz 5738Point: Goral dividing Eretz Yisroel by Moshe Rabbeinu and when Moshiach comes. Notes:13:41 -17:21 Maamar summary. Goes with Parshas Pinchas17:46 Start learning inside38:45 Shevet Levy chelek after attaining higher level.41:50 Gorul biyur atzmus or not?50:30 What definition gorul mamash? Lowest and highest possible avoda. When you bring the low and high together…
41. Ki Merosh Tzurim 5738
Ki Merosh Tzurim 5738, Class One.Yidden don’t only have holy roots, but whatever their ancestors possessed they inherited.Additionally whatever they have down here is rooted on high.כי מראש צורים ומגבעות are the levels of Chochma and Bina which then come down through the Middos and Malchus to the lowest worlds.The greatest thing, is for what…
39. Zos Chukas HaTorah (Chukas Ma’amar) 5738
Zos Chukas HaTorah (Chukas Ma’amar) 5738, Class One.זאת חוקת התורה reflects no change (and not even a thought of change). The three levels of חקיקה (engraved, the Luchos) כתיבה (written, Torah SheBiKsav) and אמירה (Torah SheBa’alPeh).These three exist in Torah, the worlds: 1) עולמות אין סוף and 2) אצילות and 3) בי”ע until עשי’ה.The three…
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