
Hayom HaRas Olom 5713.

Class One. Maamar Hayom Haras Olom 5713 part one. Maase is the end of lifnei haTzimtzum and Machshava means Atzilus. All year only Sof Maase [Kav] comes into Atzilus, on Rosh Hashana Techilas Maasecha [Ohr Lifnei HaTzimtzum that is the mekor for Olomos and higher] also comes down until Asiya. Machshava is Atzilus [explanation: Koach…

Kvod Malchuscha 5712.

The process of creation is About Gevuros, but then the Gevuros must be sweetened to reveal Hashem’s Melucha in the world. This is the difference between 25 Elul and Rosh Hashana. Every year Hashem resigns and His kingship renewed not from words alone, but from words accompanied by deeds (of Shofar). Tekiya (powerful) Shvurim (breaking…

Tzav 2006 – Rebbe’s Kapitel Koof Hei

Tzav 2006 Because this class came out right before 11 Nissan – Rabbi Paltiel gave a shiur on the Rebbe’s Kapitel from this year (Kuf Hei)