Exile and Redemption (126) – The women sing and dance for their children – Likutei Sichos Vol 01 page 139 ff.
Beshalach Exile and Redemption (126) Likutei Sichos vol 01 page 139 ff. Miriam and the women don’t only sing, they play music and dance, because for them, it wasn’t only about them, it was about the children. The lesson nowadays: Mothers concerns for the real (spiritual) welfare of the children to be Yidden and not…
11. Pada Bishalom 5738 (19 Kislev) (Muga)
Pada Bishalom 5738 (19 Kislev) Class One: This class has two very important introductions, that, it seems, are new ideas that the Rebbe focused on more after 5738 (especially the one about Teshuva). Introduction one: The Rebbe speaks about the purpose of creation being Teshuva, and in this itself there are two ideas. One: the…
Rosh Chodesh Kislev Farbrengen (5780/ 2019 Chicago); Part One.
Rosh Chodesh Kislev Farbrengen (5780/ 2019 Chicago); Part One: Bikur Chicago revisited, some stories about the visit, commemorating the English publishing of the details of that visit.
07. Pada BiShalom 5739 (Muga) A 9 Kislev Ma’amar
Pada BiShalom 5739 (Muga) A Tes Kislev Ma’amar Class One: This class is on the Biur (heart) of the Ma’amar. First we review (orally) the levels of NaRaN (Hilabshus and struggle,) Chaya (Struggle but no direct meeting, meaning no Hislabshus,) and Yechida (No Hislabshus, no struggle as there is no opposition). Then inside, why even…
06. Amar Rav Acha Yafa Sichoson 5739
Amar Rav Acha Yafa Sichoson 5739 The union of Yitzchok and Rivkah takes up so much space in Torah because it is the basis for all of Yiddishkeit: Yichud M”A and BA”N. By Yitzchok and Rivkah it is only spiritual, but by us it is (also) physical. Every Mitzvah really is a Yichud M”A and…
05. Braishis 5739
Braishis 5739 Class One: This class explains the “Shlichus” we take from Tishrei to bring Him with us into the everyday. The Ba’al Shem Tov taught that the meaning of the Possuk בראשית ברא אלוקים, is to reveal the reason for the Tzimtzum of Elokim. This will teach you how important Kavana is. Because he…
04. Bayom Hashmini Shalach 5739
Bayom Hashmini Shalach 5739 This Ma’amar is from the Haftora of Shmini Atzeres. The story was that when the celebration of the building the Beis Hamikdash was complete, the people didn’t simply leave, they were sent off. This was the Shlichus they were taking home from being with the King. He gave them a shlichus…
03. Ulkachtem 5739 (Muga)
Ulkachtem Lachem 5739 [Introduction: there are two sides to the purpose of creation: 1) Narrow, it is about Yidden and everything and everybody else serves this goal 2) Broad, the purpose is the world as a whole, and as such everything and everybody serve Hashem directly.] Tishrei has two dimensions A בכסא B ליום חגינו[…
02. Shir Hamaalos Mima’amakim 5739
Shir Hama’alos Mima’amakim 5739 Class One: Hashem is crowned as as a King by being praised and called a King. This class discusses the idea of שמות and שבחים that reveal כחות from Elokus and Tzadikim etc. Different levels of names: 1) Calling someone smart or kind. 2) Calling him by his name, but where…
01. Yivchar Lanu 5739
יבחר לנו ה’תשל”ט Class One: To some extent at least this class is a Hemshech to the last Ma’amar of 5738 (Atem Nitzavim). Hashem replaces Elokim with Havaya, through the blowing of the Shofar, Havaya and various levels and time. The idea of Binyan HaMalchus (the mystical form for making Hashem the King) is through…
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