
23a. Ani Lidodi (אני לדודי) 5712 – Class 1

Class One. This is the first of two classes on this classic Ma’amar, outlining the stages of the davening journey from submission and acceptance, to feeling, reason (of the animal and then divine Souls,) and total Bittul in the Amida.

22b. ViHikrisem Luchem Arim (וידבר גו’ והקריתם) 5712 – Class 2

Class Two. The second part of the Maamar addresses 1) how Klipa developed, being at first only a protector of the K’dusah not really opposing K’dusha until after the first sin. 2) Then Klipa and K’dusha were black and white, now there only shades of grey. 3) The Arei Miklat has to do with this inexactitude,…

20c. Mi Mana 5712, Class Three, Yaakov Yisroel, Min HaMeitzar

Mi Mana 5712, Class Three, Yaakov Yisroel, Min HaMeitzar.This third class on this Maamar includes the beginning and the end (questions and answers), on the two issues:A. מי מנה עפר יעקב ומספר את רובע ישראל B. The Ma’amar the Previous Rebbe said in Shpalierke prison Shabos Tamuz 5727, that the narrowness brings to the Ein…

20b. Mi Mana 5712, Class Two; three levels in Bitachon: Middos, Sechel. Etzem.

Mi Mana 5712, Class Two; three levels in Bitachon: Middos, Sechel. Etzem.This (middle) class on this Ma’amar discusses the idea of Bitachon (trsut) and enumerates three levels in trust:1) Based on love2) Based on intelligence3) Based on Essence Goodness,The Rebbe parallels these three to three ideas of the first class, the ideas of standing walking…

20a. Mi Mana 5712 – Class One, stand, walk, jump.

Mi Mana 5712, Class One, stand, walk, jump.This first class on the Yud Bais Tamuz Ma’amar of 5712, will deal with the Ma’amar Min HaMetzer said in jail in 5687; it will introduce the Possuk Bitchu BaHashem Adai Ad; but all that is later; in this class we speak of the three levels of 1)…

19. Ki Savou El HaAretz (כי תבואו) 5712

Ki Savou El HaAretz 5712. Nesachim are connected to Eretz Yisroel; but before then there must be a time of Ratzoi without Shov (the Midbar) setting up the ‘Purpose’ of Shov as represented by Nesachim.Krias Shma without Tefillin, is Korban without Nesech; and it is false witness, because it is denying the idea that THIS…

Toras Menachem – 10 Shvat 5712 (01) – Second Sicha (01)

Class One. 10 Shvat 5712. After talking to the Bochurim about the organization ATA [Irgun Talmidei Hayeshivos], the Rebbe talks to women about the same concept. Introduction to the question of women and arvus (guarantor-ship for fellow Jews). Page 305-6.

10 Shvat STORY (and preparation) (5780) – Part 06

Part Six:The immediate aftermath.1) The Joy of the Chassidim.2) The secretariat, and its members and their roles. 3) The next day; the new stationery.4) Purim 5711, ס’איז א גרויסקייט פון אייער זייט…5) 11 Nissan. 6) “A different set of glasses”. 7) Meeting him on the street. 8) מלכות the two extremes of total Bittul and…

10 Shvat STORY (and preparation) (5780) – Part 05

Part Five:1) The Rebbe, the intellectual needs to become a (public) “people’s person”2) “The young I never refused”.3) The love the young felt to him and the optimism The Rebbe engendered.4) Simchas Torah, The need for each one to deliver a Minyan.5) The letter to all the “Rebbes” about 19 Kislev, the Belzer Rebbe.6) 24…

10 Shvat STORY (and preparation) (5780) – Part 04

Part Four:The effort to make the Rebbe, Rebbe.The idea was altogether foreign to him, even if he knew that he was destined to actually become THE Rebbe.He did all that a Rebbe does, but as the “son in law”.The process began.1) He is alive2) I will run and hide3) I need help if I am…