The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 29
29. The Public Sefer Torah For children (and for adults). [(5741) Hakheil, Simchas Beis Hashoaiva, Mafteach on Maamarei Admor HaZakein, Birkas Hachama], Children’s and Adult’s Sefer Torah, unifying Jewish children from all over the world through Torah.[Russian Jews choosing where to live, (5742)].
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 26
26. Mashpiim and Asei Lecha Rav. Mashpiim and Asei Licha Rav. For our own Ruchniyus as well as to help us get (the Rebbe’s) answers to all kinds of life questions. In 5737 and again in 5746-7 the Rebbe underscored the need for this. The Sichos said shortly after the Rebbetzin was Nistalek (passed away)…
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 23
23. The Twelve Pesukim. The twelve Pesukim. Children involving themselves in chinuch of other children.
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 24
24. Years 5736-8. Years 5736-8.1) Beis HaBechira in the three weeks, 2) Instead of a fast redeem your meal, 3) Arizal’s Yahrtzeit, 4) Joining Torah and Tzedaka (along with Tefilla) in all Mosdos, 5) Hakafos Shniyos, 6) Hemshech Ayin Beis, 7) Sefer Halikutim (of the Tzemach Tzedeks’ Chassidus), 8) Shtuchim issue.
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 36
36. Part Three. Moshiach (3). Coming to America, The Sefer Torah to greet Moshiach, The Kol Korais, Becoming an American citizen while supporting Eretz Yisroel.
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 35
35. Part Two. Moshiach (2). Tomchei Tmimim, leaving Russia, Latvia, Poland, the decision to go back in time (to the traditional Rebbe role) and his eventual forced move to the United States.
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 34
Introduction: The Moshiach Story and Campaign. Moshiach’s story as it relates to Chassidus, 34. Part One. The Baal Shem Tov’s letter, The story of the French and Russian war, the Alter Rebbe and his friends, The Rebbe RaShaB and the talk of Simchas Torah 5648, World War 1, Germany and the Rebbe RaShaB and the…
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 21
21. Mivtza Chanuka, Chanuka gelt; and Mivtza Purim Mivtza Purim and Chanuka, holidays of Mesiras Nefesh have a Neshama connection with even the most assimilated Jews. Chanuka gelt, why money and why on Chanuka?
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 22
22. Shnas HaChinuch (5736/1976) Introduction to the 12 Pesukim. 5775-6. 1) Two more Mivtzoyim: Kashrus and Taharas HaMishpacha, 2) Rabbeinu Tam’s Tefillin, 3) Shnas (the year of) Chinuch (Torah Education) 4) Introduction to the twelve Pesukim.
The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 33
33. The Story of the Sefarim. The Sefarim Story. excerpts of the Sichos of 1) Tamuz 5745, 2) Chanuka 5746, 3) 5 Teves 5747, 4) 5 Teves 5748.
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