
The Life of the Tzemach Tzedek – Class 12

Class Twelve. 42) Fires and their consequences. 43) The Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. 44) Their relationship, 45) Her Tehillim, 46) Passes away ahead of him. 47) The RaVaSh, the oldest son. 48) He knew and was connected to the Alter Rebbe. 49) His entire life was lived in Lubavitch. 50) Not becoming a Rebbe got him…

Birhdays, Stories, Minhagim, Mazal (Beis Rivkah Seminary 5780)

Birhdays, Stories, Minhagim, Mazal (Beis Rivkah Seminary 5780)1) History of the celebration of birthdays (way before 25 Adar 5748) from the Ba’al Shem Tov onward. By the Rabbeiim it was secret and private until 5687. In that year, when the Rebbe RaYaTz survived his imprisonment and exile he began saying Chassidus in public on 12…

59. Bila Hamaves Lanetzach 5725 (Muga)

Bila Hamaves Lanetzach 5725.This class was given at 770 in a large event, it has an introduction for about 10 minutes on the Rebbetzin.The idea of the Ma’amar is that immortality is natural and death is an introduction (unnatural) as a response for there being evil in the world, connected to the original sin of…

חי’ מושקא= ע”ת a Generation (5778/ 2018).

1) The Rebbe wrote חי’ מושקא is גימטריא 470= ע”ת this means a generation. Tzadikim create their own time. 2) She felt other’s lives, especially those who sacrificed to do her husband’s bidding. 3) Her Brachos- no pre-conditions.

The story of her passing through the eyes of a Bochur (5778/ 2018).

A talk I gave at Machon LiYahadus relating how I experienced her passing and what happened subsequently.

6 Kislev 5777 (2016).

The Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s תנאים.

25 Adar 2 5776.

A thought on the Rebbetzin and the birthday campaign.

25 ADAR 2 (5771).

A short thought. (Given at Beis Midrash Linashim). A Class. (Given at Beis Rivka Seminary). (based on the Rebbe’s Sicha 25 ADAR 5748). What, how and who should this celebration happen.