
Rosh Chodesh Shvat 5781.

Rosh Chodesh Shvat 5781.The fifth of the winter months that parallels the fifth of the summer months; the idea of Yechida. Translating Torah into other languages; Birurim.

45. Hashamayim Kisii 5738

Maamar HaShayim-Kisi-5738“Shamayim” (Heaven) is Hashem’s chair and the “Aretz” (Earth) is Hashem’s footstool.  What does this mean? Heaven is like a chair which brings Him down to the worlds.Earth is like a footstool that raises the world up to Him.Spiritually this is Torah (heaven) and Yidden (earth).However each of the two are the (collective) purpose…

30. UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738 (Hemshech to Kimei Tziascha) a Rosh Chodesh Ma’amar.

UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738 (Hemshech to Kimei Tziascha) Class One.Introduction: What is Mussaf? above Histalshelus.The mention of יציאת מצרים even after Moshiach some is due to some unique property of the initial Geula: the struggle!This will be special even then. Why Yidden ran away and won’t run when Moshiach comes. UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738, Class Two.This class…

27. מחר חדש ה’תשל”ט This is the first in a המשך about מתן תורה

מחר חדש ה’תשל”ט Class One: The Torah existed before מתן תורה but we received עוז תושי’ה and שלום to achieve the point of the ביטול הגזירה. The basis for all of this is ביטול. The idea of לאמר that any Yid at any time can recreate the אימה יראה רתת and זיעה of מתן תורה…

26. והי’ מדי חודש ה’תשל”ט

והי’ מדי חודש ה’תשל”ט This מאמר is about the constant idea of רצוא ושוב in עבודה which will continue even after משיח comes, but then it will be on an entirely new level. This then is the והי’ מדי חודש בחדשו etc. of לעתיד לבוא. רצוא ושוב on levels where they conflict, on levels where…

Rosh Chodesh Shvat and its meaning

Rosh Chodesh Shvat is 1) the day the Rebbe wrote the letter about the Yahrtzeit 10 Shvat (it was a sign of Nesius). 2) The day Moshe translated the Torah in 70 languages and the implications from this are forever.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 24 p 222 ff – Fooling the Satan

Rosh Hashana Can we fool the Satan? Five explanations for the idea of ‘fooling the Satan’ 1) The L’vush, we don’t create Yom Tov through Kidush, 2) Rashi, our hiddur Mitzvos discourages him, 3) By cutting back on the Korban of Rosh Chodesh, the Satan leaves us as we are failing ourselves, 4) We feel…

Thought (5774/ 2014).

Perhaps Rosh Chodesh Shvat has a Hakhail quality.