Erev Rosh Chodesh Shvat (5776/ 2016)
A thought.The Ba’al Shem Tov spoke בלשון אידיש in Yiddish Davka.
Vayomer Lo Yehonasan 5745.
Machar Chodesh. This is a difficult Maamar to figure out. It was taught as it was understood (and it may, of course, be wrong). Dovid’s real task is to be Moshiach, but for him to do his mission, the Birurim must be finished (by Shaul) first. The birurim are represented by the arrows. When Yonasan…
Machar Chodesh 5746.
Machar Chodesh deals with the idea of Bittul as a preparation for being born anew with a new Ohr called Moled. The Bittul is in Dovid and the new light comes from Yehonoson (and even from Shaul- Bina). This particular Machar Chodesh adds the idea that the Bittul is only whole when machar chodesh is…
Machar Chodesh 5745.
Class One. The Possuk that discusses the birth and renewal of the (new) Month, has three readings: 1) That the sun (mashpia) creates an interest in the Mikabel (moon) to want to get light the following day, 2) On Rosh Chodesh, the Moon (in its Bittul) receives the light from the Mashpia, 3) In the…
Machar Chodesh 5744.
Class One. Introduction a perfect world versus and imperfect world even at the highest levels. The classic theme of Machar Chodesh is repeated here. Yonasan is blessed in so many ways but he knows that the truth is with Dovid and he surrenders to his Bittul, calls it out and enhances it. Class Two. Yonasan…
ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חדש תשמ”ג.
This מאמר begins and ends with מחר חדש: Dovid receives from Yehonasan but on the end due to his Bittul exceeds him and he becomes 1) greater and 2) the Mashpia. The body -ביאור- of the מאמר discusses ברכות: 1) Bringing down, 2) Three levels of Brachos: הנהנין, המצוות, תפילה. 3) ברכות that are חותם…
ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חודש ה’תשמ”ב במדבר
Class One. There are two levels: 1) סוד שרש where everything stays constant לא ישבותו. This is the basis for the sustained order in the world, and it is parallel to the sun, that is a constant but is sustained by יחוד חיצוני. 2) סוד תוספת which is all about חידוש. In order for newness…
ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חודש ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. Shabbos is higher than Rosh Chodesh and Rosh Hashana as it is completely above time (while Rosh Chodesh and Rosh Hashana are higher ideas IN time but not above it). The strength for מחר חודש always comes from Shabbos- what is completely above time. Class Two. This is the classic Ma’amar of Machar…
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