
כי כאשר השמים החדשים ה’תשמ”ב.

1) פתיחת הצינור Opening new gates requires special strength. The Light originally was in the מקום החלל so that when we reveal it the פתיחת הצינור was already made by the Creator. 2) השמים כסאי והארץ הדום רגלי is the same idea. The higher worlds set up and make it possible to reveal Godliness down…

השמים כסאי ה’תשמ”א.

Class One. Heaven and earth are beyond any form: they refer to Torah and Mitzvos. In the beginning, the heaven and the earth are: 1) potential and not actual, 2) finite and not infinite. Class Two. In the end heaven and earth are 1) actual, 2) infinite. This is the פסוק: כי כאשר השמים החדשים…

Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov… 5722.

A Maamar on Halel which is a D’Rabanan. This Maamar based on the Alter Rebbe’s Hodu LaHasham Ki Tov from Halel reveals three levels of divine revelation: 1) Light and Vessels, 2) The light and the “guf” (body) and 3) Possuk katan that is even higher than guf. These three are linked to 1) DeOraisa,…

04. Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh Chodesh ViRosh Chodesh 5714.

Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh Chodesh ViRosh Chodesh 5714, Class One. This class includes Perek 2-3 of the Ma’amar that speaks of the ideas of Ohr (light) and Ahava (Love), arguing that the essence of all light and love is distance and not closeness. It discusses Ohr Yashar and Ohr and more. Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh…

Rosh Chodesh Marcheshvan.

A woman’s holiday.

Hashamayim Kisi (Kedoshim), 5746.

This classic Rosh Chodesh Maamar is linked specifically to Rosh Chodesh Iyar, Parshas Kedoshim and Sefiras HaOmer. Hashamayim Kisi and its juxtaposition against Parshas Kedoshim. There seems to be contradiction here. The Haftorah discusses our work and the Parsha suggests that all is about Hashem. Is it about G-d or about man? The answer: it…

Hashamayim Kisi (Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan) 5745.

The heaven is a chair means that it brings Godliness down and the earth is His footstool which means the raising of the world up. Both these ideas are found in the Torah (Torah SheBiksav and SheBaal Peh) and in the learners of the Torah (Yidden) and in the world.