

The prayer in the Rosh Hashana davening that describes Hashem’s judgment most graphically. A commentary.

Monday 29 Tishrei 5773, October 15 2012.

Ata Kadosh… Lidor VaDor Hamlichu… U’Vchein.. HaMelech Hakadosh. Ata Kadosh with the four UVicheins as said on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. It is all about ‘Binyan HaMalchus’ or ‘Crowning Him as a King’. This class has a long introduction explaining the ‘Soul’ of the Yomim Noraim as days we connect with (‘and Crown’) Hashem…

01.יבחר לנו ה’תשכ”ג (Muga)

Class One.   Class Two.   Class Three.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 24 p 222 ff – Fooling the Satan

Rosh Hashana Can we fool the Satan? Five explanations for the idea of ‘fooling the Satan’ 1) The L’vush, we don’t create Yom Tov through Kidush, 2) Rashi, our hiddur Mitzvos discourages him, 3) By cutting back on the Korban of Rosh Chodesh, the Satan leaves us as we are failing ourselves, 4) We feel…

Sicha – Chana’s Prayer (12)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 29 p 182 ff Conclusion. This offers a much deeper understanding of the connection between Chana’s Prophecy and Rosh Hashana. Our crowning Hashem as King is about a deep connection and involvement in His world. This is what Chana’s Tefilla epitomized. Page 187-8.


VIDUI. Short and to the point. This thought on text of the viduy (confession) provides a useful meditation for the Yom Kippur davening (prayer).

Likutei Sichos – Vol 34 p 095-7.

The idea that in the very beginning there is the end shows itself in the idea that ‘the blowing for practice’ on the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul is connected to Yom Kippur!

Likutei Sichos – Vol 24 p 222 ff

Can we fool the Satan? Five explanations for the idea of ‘fooling the Satan’ 1) The L’vush, we don’t create Yom Tov through Kidush, 2) Rashi, our hiddur Mitzvos discourages him, 3) By cutting back on the Korban of Rosh Chodesh, the Satan leaves us as we are fooling ourselves, 4) We feel bad about…