12b. Al Kein Kuru Layamim Aile’ Purim (ע”כ קראו לימים האלה פורים) 5713 (Muga) – Class Two
This is the Maamar connected with the story of Stalin’s death. Class Two. The second Shiur deals with the Maamar itself: 1) The comparison and difference between Yom Kipur and Purim (The Tikunei Zohar and the Torah Ohr), 2) Why Achashvairosh was not enough, 3) Haman’s choice in a Goral was right, 4) He…
12a. Al Kein Kuru Layamim Aile’ Purim (ע”כ קראו לימים האלה פורים) 5713 (Muga) – Class One
This is the Maamar connected with the story of Stalin’s death. Class One. This edited Maamar of the Rebbe (that is connected to the death of Stalin), addresses Goral and Bechira (Free Will). This Shiur overviews four levels of connection: 1) Reason, 2) Will (Achashvairosh in this Maamar), 3) Goral (all are equal), 4)…
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