Toras Menachem – Summer 5727 – Mivtza Tefillin (07)
Class Seven. Toras Menachem vol. 50 page 100-101. To learn Jewish unity from non-Jews unifying against the Jews.
Toras Menachem – Summer 5727 – Mivtza Tefillin (06)
Class Six. Toras Menachem vol. 50 page 91-2. Putting on Tefillin must continue. It will account for the Miracles Hashem already did for us.
Toras Menachem – Summer 5727 – Mivtza Tefillin (05)
Toras Menachem vol. 50 page 83-6 Class Five. Current events reflect ואשא אתכם על כנפי נשרים ואביא אתכם אלי. How Hashem’s miracles change us practically. The opportunity shouldn’t be missed.
Toras Menachem – Summer 5727 – Mivtza Tefillin (04)
Toras Menachem vol. 50 page 4(6)[8]-54. Class Four. The idea of Achdus Yisroel as it relates to the essence of every Jew is connected to Torah. It was revealed during the Six Day War.
Toras Menachem – Summer 5727 – Mivtza Tefillin (03)
Likutei Sichos vol. 19 page 121 ff. Class Three. On the question of using the Mitzvah of Mezuza (Tefillin) as a Shmira. The Shmira aspect is actually a part of the Mitzvah itself and not even like שלא לשמה!
Toras Menachem – Summer 5727 – Mivtza Tefillin (02)
Class Two. בסעודה יום שני דחג השבועות. Conversation about the Rebbe’s not allowing people to leave Israel before the Six Day war and about the success of בהתועדות חג השבועות ה’תשכ”ז .מבצע תפילין the Rebbe discusses his recently introduced campaign again and explains it. There is no contradiction between doing Tefillin as Segulas for longevity…
26 Iyar (5777/ 2017)(Six Day War)
The story of the six day war through the prism of the Rebbe. Mivtza Tefillin was introduced two days before the war. The Rebbe explained (by citing two Gemaros) that Tefillin 1) preserve the soldier, 2) Cause the enemy to be so afraid that he doesn’t fight in the first place. The מאמרים והי’ ביום…
Introduction, thought 26 Iyar (5777/ 2017).
50 Years from the six day war. A historic moment of Jewish solidarity.
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