034 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 08
Review of the two systems of Hishtalshelus, mehus to Mehus and Ohr Elokus. Moshol of two Bocherim learning.In the maamar the moshol of ohr is used for chochma and bina, while it would seem more appropriate to call it shefa. The Alter Rebbe says that the Chochma acts like a maor to Bina. The focus…
033 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 07
Review of Chitzonius and Pnimius sytem of hishtalshelus.Chitzonius: Mehus to Mehus. Start and stop. Pnimius: Descent of the Ohr automatically, smoothly.The Alter Rebbe uses Machshava as a moshol for the Ohr system. The problem is that Machshava is Letters , i. e. Kelim, not ohr. So why does He use this moshol? In order to…
032 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 06
p 36 Original Version (p 52 top New Version) p 36-48 (pp 51-64 new version)Three levels of Ohr. 3)Ohr in the Keli – Mhus Acher 2)Ohr higher than kelim – Ratzo v’shuv 1) Ohr in the Mekor – Moti V’Lo Moti. Then this will change to 3)Ohr in Kelim – Mhus Acher; 2) both Ohr…
031 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 05
What is Makom? Al pi Arizal, Alter Rebbe, and the Zohar, Makom is memale Kol Olmin.Oseh Ratzon shel Makom – bringing pnimius Ratzon in to Makom.Makom is a thing that allows other things to exist. Time and Space allow other things to exist and be defined by what they can tolerate. We are defined by…
030 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 04
Questions and Answers from a Student. Basic definitions and relationships are discussed very succinctly. These are the questions: What is the Concept of Higher and Lower?What are Middos, Sekel, Ratzon, Taanug, B’pnimius and B’Chitzonius?What is the difference between Taanug and Ratzon?What is the myla and chesorin of Kochos?What are Middos?What are Pnimius Hataanug, Chitzonius HaTaanug,…
029 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 03
P 35 Old Version; (P 49 New Version) Pnimius HaRatzon vs Chitzonius HaRatzonPnimius HaRatzon is above the state of Helem and Giluy altogether. It has no harcava with anything. It is Bilti Metzius.Chitzonius HaRatzon is murkav with many things, sekel, Middos etc. It has a certain Metzius. Yesh Taam Kamos B’Ratzon when it is Chitzonius….
028 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 02
P 34 – 35 (P 49 NewVersion) Explaining Giluy: Something being carried by a levush. Moshol a truck drives by and your hat flies off. The Air (that blows off you hat,) is a levush. Put Ratzon in sekel and middos, they carry the Ratzon.Moshol of FIRE. There are three levels: Etzem – Flintstone; Inyon…
027 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 01
P 34 (Old Version) (P 48 New Version) Pnimius Ratzon Vs Chitzonius RatzonKochos of the Nefesh Vs Giluy HaNefesh.Kochos of the Nefesh exist individually. They are tools. Sometimes you use them and sometimes you don’t, but they still exist even if you are not using them.Giluy HaNefesh: The whole Nefesh is speaking. If one takes…
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