Exile and Redemption (109) – Manipulating Time – Likutei Sichos Vol 03 page 868 ff (03).
Bo Exile and Redemption (109) Likutei Sichos vol. 03 page 868 ff (3). Stopping time vs. dividing time; the best of both and its spiritual implications.
Exile and Redemption (108) – Unconditional Love – Likutei Sichos Vol. 03 page 867-8 (2)
Bo Exile and Redemption (108) Likutei Sichos vol. 03 page 867-8 (2). The entire event is an expression of the unconditional love of Hashem to the Jewish People, but we must nevertheless prepare. The preparation for going out of Mitzrayim is Mila and Korban Pesach.
Exile and Redemption (107) – Makkas Bechoros – Likutei Sichos Vol. 03 page 864 ff (01)
Bo Exile and Redemption (107) Likutei Sichos vol. 03 page 864 ff (1). The last מכה is different than the others inasmuch that it goes beyond “educating” Egypt to killing Egyptians. The question became why are these more deserving than these? And no answer of logic exists; it is just because of a transcendent love.
Exile and Redemption (106) – Makkas Choshech (Darkness) (02) – Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 46 ff.
Bo Exile and Redemption (106) Likutei Sichos – Vol 31 p 46 ff Continued. Inside. Darkness. Two opinions about what is included within the purpose and “Lesson” in darkness. Does it involve both darkness for the world and light for the Jew as one idea or two separate ideas.
Exile and Redemption (105) – Makkas Choshech (Darkness) – Likutei Sichos Vol. 31 page 46 ff.
Bo Exile and Redemption (105) Likutei Sichos vol. 31 page 46 ff. מכת חושך is compared to Golus as it relates to the Yidden (as we’ll see in the next class on this Sicha.) Accordingly we discuss how this מכה was a Golus (of sorts) for the Egyptians.
Exile and Redemption (104) – Moshe Fears the Positive Spiritual Pharoah – Sefer HaSichos Bo 5752 (03)
Bo Exile and Redemption (104) Sefer HaSichos Bo 5752 (03) Continued (3). Moshe fears the positive spiritual Pharaoh as well. Why?
Exile and Redemption (103) – Moshe Fears the Spiritual Evil of Pharoah – Sefer HaSichos Bo 5752 (02)
Bo Exile and Redemption (103) Sefer HaSichos Bo 5752 (02) Continued (2). Moshe fears the spiritual evil of Pharaoh which is above קדושה!
Exile and Redemption (102) – How Moshe Visits Pharoah – Sefer HaSichos 5752 page 280 ff.
Bo Exile and Redemption (102) Sefer HaSichos 5752 page 280 ff. This class (only) introduces this Sicha: there is a pattern to how Hashem has Moshe visit the Pharaoh. The first (forth and seventh) visits, He tells him לך… go to the Pharoh at the River. The second (fifth and eighth) visits, He tells him…
Sefer HaSichos Bo 5752 (03) – Moshe fears the Positive Spiritual Pharoah also
Bo Exile and Redemption (104) Continued (3). Moshe fears the positive spiritual Pharaoh as well. Why?
Sefer HaSichos Bo 5752 (02) – Moshe Fears the Spiritual Evil of Pharoah
Bo Exile and Redemption (103) Continued (2). Moshe fears the spiritual evil of Pharaoh which is above קדושה!
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