
Likutei Sichos – Vol 11 p 024 ff – Egyptians themselves punished from the fourth makka

The first three plagues punished the Egyptian gods, only from the fourth plague and on were the Egyptians themselves being punished. Therefore only from the fourth plague on was the difference between the Jews and the Egyptians very noticeable.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 119 ff – Dam / Tzfardea

Vaeira Exile and Redemption (094) Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 119 ff The first two plagues represent parallel yet opposite ideas: Dam- Blood is to warm Egypt from it’s natural coldness to holiness, to be warmed by it. Tzfardea- Frogs were to cool off Egypt’s passions to worldliness. Here the order (is atypical:) first…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 757 ff – Avrohom’s Bris

Lech Lecha Patriarchs (04) Likutei Sichos Vol 03 p 757 ff Bris Mila is another step in Avrohom’s spiritual climb. It was the first (and only) Mitzva that he did that actually elevated the physical.