
Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 122 ff / Torah Ohr Toldos (beg.) – Avrohom vs Yitzchok

Vayera Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 122 ff This class combines a Sicha about Avrohom and the Torah Ohr (beginning of Parshas Toldos) that helps enlighten what separated Avrohom from Yitzchok. Avrohom shone light and inspired from above, doing what appears in affect to be forcing Arabs to see things his way and acquiesce…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 049 ff – Before and After Avrohom’s Bris

Vayera Patriarchs (08) Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 49 ff Avrohom’s life divided into two: before and after the Bris. Before he was doing Judaism (like a brick) afterwards he was Jew, a representative of God on this earth (like a stone which is natural and not like a brick which is artificial).

Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 018 ff – Yishmael’s Bris

Lech Lecha Patriarchs (06) Likutei Sichos Vol 01 p 18 ff Yishmael’s Bris was rational and that is a liability compared with Yitzchok’s super-rational bond. It is the basis of the Jewish people and that they are a miraculous people attached to Hashem higher than reason, from infancy.