HaYom Yom – 04 Menachem Av (2)
Hayom Yom 4 Menachem Av, Class Two.This class provides a second, more direct, interpretation of the comments on parnassa in this entry*. We have only what Hashem decides we’ll have.Discussion: Parnassa is decided at Rosh HaShanah with two aspects: 1. overall amount and 2. nuanced aspects of how the overall parnassa will come to fruition…
HaYom Yom – 04 Menachem Av (1)
Hayom Yom 4 Menachem Av, Class One.Chinuch.This is not in the entry of the Hayom Yom, but it is in the letter which is the source of this entry.We must appreciate that (especially by Yidden) the material and the spiritual are connected, and therefore to concern oneself with Parnassa at the expense of the chinuch…
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