
HaYom Yom – 05 Tamuz (2)

Class Two: Continued. Make the world around you light. Tanya Ch 41 discusses two levels in Mesiras Nefesh: Lower Level: Giving oneself to Him and being lost (even dying for) in Him. Higher level: To do for Him what HE needs (כבכיול) to bring Him down ליחדא קוב”ה ושכנתי’ בתחתונים. This 2nd level we are…

HaYom Yom – 05 Tamuz (1)

Class One: Entire entry. The greatness of the Alter Rebbe’s Chassidim. A Chossid wouldn’t complain but the Alter Rebbe asked him how are his affairs, so he told that he is doing very poorly financially and the Rebbe reprimanded him: You do ( and worry about) your job and allow G-d to do (and worry…