
HaYom Yom – 11 Menachem Av (1)

Hayom Yom 11 Menachem, Class One.The Alter Rebbe meets the Maggid; we’ll get to it later on IYH.Reb Hilel Paritcher, in conjunction with his Yahrtzait.This is not (at all) in the entry of the Hayom Yom, but this is a good excuse to talk about a great Chossid, He was a giant and a Mikushar,…

HaYom Yom – 11 Menachem Av (2)

Hayom Yom 11 Menachem, Class Two.Some more on Reb Hilel and Hiskashrus.The Alter Rebbe’s decision to “go into Galus”.The decision to go to Mezritch; the condition (that he would would find Niglah).His brother has to go back.The Alter Rebbe goes alone.Messages from the Ba’al Shem Tov.

HaYom Yom – 13 Menachem Av (3)

Hayom Yom 13 Menachem, Class Three.A thought on the time (beginning of Iyar).One more class on this entry in the Hayom Yom: Torah is learned always and everywhere, in all worlds, in Gan Eden, Down here, when we return to our source on high and in Techiyas HaMeisim, but it is really all about “the…

HaYom Yom – 13 Menachem Av (2)

Hayom Yom 13 Menachem, Class Two.This class explores the Pesukim of Shma Yisroel that lead up to ViShinantum, explaining the motivation for learning Torah etc.At the very end we begin the discussion of the Torah in all four worlds.

HaYom Yom – 13 Menachem Av (1)

Hayom Yom 13 Menachem, Class One.This class has a long introduction about the day 23 Adar and Chinuch (it is the first of the days of Miluim- Chinuch of the Mishkan)We begin discussing the idea of Torah always, in all worlds and under all conditions.

HaYom Yom – 10 Menachem Av (1)

HAYOM YOM 10 MENACHEM AV, Class One. The second letter in Tanya Katonti, written after returning from Petersburgh speaks of being humble in blessing and proximity to Hashem(‘s goodness) as is the Midda of Yaakov’s Chessed.He added the idea of KaMayim HaPanim LiPanim… maybe the good behavior will win over the Misnagdim’s hearts.

HaYom Yom – 10 Menachem Av (2)

HAYOM YOM 10 MENACHEM AV, Class Two.מדת אמת יעקבThe cost and reward for “Emes”.

HaYom Yom – 12 Menachem Av (2)

Hayom Yom 12 Menachem, Class Two.The Baal Shem Tov The Mezritcher Maggid and the Alter Rebbe three levels in Ahavas Yisroel.NOTE: there is a mistake in the quote of the Ba’al Shem Tov’s vort in this class; the source is Likutei Sichos vol 2 page 299 ff. Please see there.

HaYom Yom – 12 Menachem Av (1)

Hayom Yom 12 Menachem, Class One.Chassidus is the Torah of Ahavas Yisroel.