
HaYom Yom – 15 Tamuz (1)

Class One: Is it possible for someone to join Gashmiyus and Ruchniyus to such an extent that their spiritual lives should affect their physical bodies? Reb Nochum Tchernubiler was fat from saying אמן יהא שמי’ רבה. We compared it to one who is תורתו אומנתו שמלאכתו נעשית (בגשמיות כפשוטו) ע”י אחרים. )

HaYom Yom – 15 Tamuz (2)

Class Two: Stories of Reb Nochum Tchernubiler (that have some connection to Chabad).

HaYom Yom – 05 Tamuz (2)

Class Two: Continued. Make the world around you light. Tanya Ch 41 discusses two levels in Mesiras Nefesh: Lower Level: Giving oneself to Him and being lost (even dying for) in Him. Higher level: To do for Him what HE needs (כבכיול) to bring Him down ליחדא קוב”ה ושכנתי’ בתחתונים. This 2nd level we are…

HaYom Yom – 05 Tamuz (1)

Class One: Entire entry. The greatness of the Alter Rebbe’s Chassidim. A Chossid wouldn’t complain but the Alter Rebbe asked him how are his affairs, so he told that he is doing very poorly financially and the Rebbe reprimanded him: You do ( and worry about) your job and allow G-d to do (and worry…

HaYom Yom – 27 Tamuz (1)

Hayom Yom 27 Tamuz, Class One.The Ilui who collected a great knowledge of Chassidus in Liozno, (like the Yoshvim later on) and then asked the Alter Rebbe what he must improve, and the Rebbe told him to deal with his Yeshus.Yechidus was really about Inyonim Pnimiyiim.

HaYom Yom – 27 Tamuz (2)

Hayom Yom 27 Tamuz, Class Two. The idea of being joyous about being criticized because we grow from it. The way one learns a Halacha of Kashering in Gan Eden. This great Chossid is made aware of his “Yeshus”, the idea of “Murgash” is introduced and proposed.This is corrected through fire, exceeding the limit so…

HaYom Yom – 25 Tamuz (1)

Hayom Yom 25 Tamuz, Class One.

HaYom Yom – 25 Tamuz (2)

Hayom Yom 25 Tamuz, Class Two.The first idea is revisited, for a Yid, due to the G-dly Neshama there is a natural pull towards G-dliness and an “understanding” of the reality of the super-natural.And the second idea is given context, even in the “lowest” Jew this shows itself in the power not to be cut…

HaYom Yom – 25 Tamuz (3)

Hayom Yom 25 Tamuz, Class Three.The idea of the nature of the Yid, based on the inner (מהות) sense of Elokus discussed in the מאמר ואתה תצוה התשנ”ב is quite different and much more than “just” not allowing oneself to be cut off from Hashem.This idea of גילוי אלקות נוגע לעצם מציאותו that affects him…

HaYom Yom – 10 Tamuz (1)

מהוי’ מצעדי גבר כוננו Class One. מהוי’ מצעדי גבר כוננו