The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 09
Class Nine. The Alter Rebbe returns from his effort at going to Eretz Yisroel, resettles in Liozna. The Chadurim and the Takanos Liozna.
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 08
Class Eight. The Alter Rebbe and Reb Mendel Horodoker, the trip to Eretz Yisroel and the return.
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 07
Class Seven. 1) The Maggid passes away. 2) He promises the Alter Rebbe a son and teaches him the Kabbalah to all the minhagim around a birth and Bris, 3) He tells him that his life will be hard, but he and the Baal Shem Tov will help from heaven, 4) Stories, 5) Reb Avrohom…
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 06
Class Six. The Alter Rebbe and the Vilner Gaon, the two attempts at meeting him and more. Once as a Nistar during the Maggid’s life and then again with prearrangement afterwards (along with Reb Mendel Horodoker/ Vitebsker). In the Alter Rebbe’s lexicon, the GRA was the ‘Chossid’. Chasidei Talak.
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 05
Class Five. 1) The Alter Rebbe’s return from Mezritch was not marked favorably by his wife’s family, 2) He is forced to move back to Liozno, 3) The visit of 5528 (to Mezritch) and writing of the Shulchan Aruch.
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 04
Class Four. In Mezritch: Tefilla and Torah also, his decision to stay, he learns who and what his Neshama is.
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 27
Class Twenty Seven. The war of Napoleon (1). The dispute among Tzadikim who should win. The hatred the Alter Rebbe had for Napoleon. Pesach 5572 Reb Mendel Riminover, Reb Naftoli of Ropshits and the Matzos. Leaving Liadi, Rosh Hashana and the Shofar, the Russians escaping, Pienne his Histalkus More next time.
The Life of the Alter Rebbe – Class 28
Class Twenty Eight. The war of Napoleon and the Alter Rebbe’s Histalkus (1). The Mitteler Rebbe’s reaction. The Rebbetzin Fraida’s reaction. Two Baalei Tshuva fifteen years after he passed away. The three Tzadikim tried again in 5575 and what happened.
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